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Ciser · 2021年03月27日

请问老师.Yield curve steepen时,而且是平行上移+steepen这种组合变化



Silvia Abram and Walter Edgarton are analysts with Cefrino Investments, which sponsors the Cefrino Sovereign Bond Fund (the Fund). Abram and Edgarton recently attended an investment committee meeting where interest rate expectations for the next 12 months were discussed. The Fund’s mandate allows its duration to fluctuate ±0.30 per year from the benchmark duration. The Fund’s duration is currently equal to its benchmark. Although the Fund is presently invested entirely in annual coupon sovereign bonds, its investment policy also allows investments in mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and call options on government bond futures. The Fund’s current holdings of on-the-run bonds are presented in Exhibit 1.

Over the next 12 months, Abram expects a stable yield curve; however, Edgarton expects a steepening yield curve, with short-term yields rising by 1.00% and long-term yields rising by more than 1.00%.

Based on Edgarton’s expectation for the yield curve over the next 12 months, the Fund’s return relative to the benchmark would most likely increase by:



riding the yield curve


implementing a barbell structure.


shortening the portfolio duration relative to the benchmark.


C is correct.

If interest rates rise and the yield curve steepens as Edgarton expects, then shortening the Fund’s duration from a neutral position to one that is shorter than the benchmark will improve the portfolio’s return relative to the benchmark. This duration management strategy will avoid losses from long-term interest rate increases.

1 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2021年03月27日





所以,如果要用表格下面的这种定性分析,就一定需要保证收益率曲线的改变只有一种,就是已经拆解到最小单位变动了,例如就真的只有Parallel shift or 就真的只有Flattening,不是那种复合的收益率曲线变动


出现复合的收益率曲线变动时,如(Parallel shift + 一个非平行移动),如果要用定性判断,一定是不能有冲突的。



像原版书下面这道题,这里的Curve shift,就是平行上移1.00%,然后5-year、10-year、30-year再额外上升,所以属于平行上移+Steepening;


那这道题是让选出Current portfolio、Portfolio 1与Portfolio 2,在经历这样的曲线移动后,他们中间哪个组合的表现会更好,那我们可以以Current portfolio为Benchmark,然后进行判断。

在5-year、10-year, 30-year利率变动对组合的影响上,由于Portfolio 2的10-year partial PVBP比Current portfolio更低,所以Portfolio 2的表现会更好(比current portfolio要好);

而Portfolio 1的Partial PVBP相对更大,所以表现会更差一点(比Current Portfolio表现要差)。一个比Current好,一个比Current差,综合来看就是Portfolio 2表现更好。

当然上面这种定性判断,有可能会出现错误,尤其是几个组合间的Partial PVBP差距不是很明显的时候。

出现这种情况时,就直接计算,例如,30-year利率上升1.75%(175bps),对Current portfolio的价值影响是(假设Current portfolio的面值是100,000):

175 bps × 0.0394/100 × 100,000 (除以100是因为这里的Partial PVBP是面值为100债券的Partial PVBP,除以100先转换成每1元的Partial PVBP)


Predicted change (某个利率点位变动,对组合价值的影响)= Portfolio par amount × partial PVBP × (curve shift in bps)/100

根据同样的办法,可以算出来10-year. 5-year. 3-year 1-year利率的改变,对Current portfolio价值的影响;




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NO.PZ2019103001000052 ST和LT都增加的时候,short barbell 不是可以获利吗?

2021-09-03 16:22 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019103001000052 implementing a barbell structure. shortening the portfolio ration relative to the benchmark. C is correct. If interest rates rise anthe yielcurve steepens Earton expects, then shortening the Funs ration from a neutrposition to one this shorter ththe benchmark will improve the portfolio’s return relative to the benchmark. This ration management strategy will avoilosses from long-term interest rate increases. 如果upwarslopping & steepen,为什么不能用ring the yielcurve?谢谢!

2021-08-24 20:27 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019103001000052 implementing a barbell structure. shortening the portfolio ration relative to the benchmark. C is correct. If interest rates rise anthe yielcurve steepens Earton expects, then shortening the Funs ration from a neutrposition to one this shorter ththe benchmark will improve the portfolio’s return relative to the benchmark. This ration management strategy will avoilosses from long-term interest rate increases. 看了发亮老师的讲解还是不明白为什么这题不能用ring the yielcurve

2021-07-25 02:30 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019103001000052 长短期利率都是上升的,长期利率的上升对组合下跌贡献得更多一些。所以只有缩短组合的ration才能降低长期利率升高对组合价格下跌的影响?

2021-06-19 09:16 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019103001000052 implementing a barbell structure. shortening the portfolio ration relative to the benchmark. C is correct. If interest rates rise anthe yielcurve steepens Earton expects, then shortening the Funs ration from a neutrposition to one this shorter ththe benchmark will improve the portfolio’s return relative to the benchmark. This ration management strategy will avoilosses from long-term interest rate increases. 如果短期利率变低,长期利率不变,是不是也可以ring the yielcurve?

2021-04-28 20:16 8 · 回答