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风乎舞雩 · 2021年03月23日

他的假设2是错的,所以引入了spread risk,为啥不能这么想呢



Soto explains to Hudgens that the underlying duration-matching strategy is based on the following three assumptions.

1. Yield curve shifts in the future will be parallel.

2. Bond types and quality will closely match those of the liabilities.

3. The portfolio will be rebalanced by buying or selling bonds rather than using derivatives.

Soto’s three assumptions regarding the duration-matching strategy indicate the presence of:



model risk.


spread risk.


counterparty credit risk.


A is correct.

Soto believes that any shift in the yield curve will be parallel. Model risk arises whenever assumptions are made about future events and approximations are used to measure key parameters. The risk is that those assumptions turn out to be wrong and the approximations are inaccurate. A non-parallel yield curve shift could occur, resulting in a mismatch of the duration of the immunizing portfolio versus the liability.

他提出了3个假设,第一个假设是平行移动,但是假设错了,现实中经常非平行移动,所以引入了model risk。

那他第二个假设是资产负债匹配,也是错的呀,因为现实中很难资产、负债的利率同步变动呀?那不就引入了spread risk吗?

1 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2021年03月23日


他提出了3个假设,第一个假设是平行移动,但是假设错了,现实中经常非平行移动,所以引入了model risk。

对的~与现实不符的假设属于Model risk。

那他第二个假设是资产负债匹配,也是错的呀,因为现实中很难资产、负债的利率同步变动呀?那不就引入了spread risk吗?

这么理解也算对,由于假设不靠谱,首先是Model risk,然后按照不靠谱的assumption,实际在做Duration-matching时,引入了Spread risk。

只看Assumption 2,他肯定是Model risk,因为他与现实不符,这点直接可判断。

但只看Assumption 2本身无法看出来有Spread risk,因为仅仅看这个假设Assumption 2,他实际上会消除Spread risk,因为他设计的目的是让影响资产、负债的利率达到一致。这道题也是让我们选出3个Assumption体现了啥风险,这个Assumption自身无法直接体现Spread risk,因此不选Spread risk。

Assumption 2是与现实不符的假设,他首先是Model risk。

如果我们真实在做Duration-matching策略时,可能很难找到资产、负债在种类、对应利率、类型完全一致的情形,因此现实中还会有Spread risk。但这个Spread risk并不是Assumption 2引起的,assumption 2本身是为了降低Spread risk而设计的,为啥还会在引入Spread risk,就是因为Assumption 2是个不靠谱的假设。

本题是问3个假设体现了啥风险,仅仅看Assumption 2是不存在Spread risk的。




仅仅看假设本身,Assumption 2:bond types and quality closely match those of liabilities并不会体现Spread risk。

反而,Assumption 2是尽可能消除Spread risk的。如果我们能够依照Assumption 2做策略的话,我们知道一定可以消除Spread risk。因为Assumption 2设定的目的,就是解决资产、负债的利率变动不同步的问题。如果现实中能按照Assumption 2来做策略,那影响资产、负债的利率变动就会同步,即,消除Spread risk。

所以,单看assumption 2的话,这个假设的设计目的就是解决Spread risk的;所以仅仅从Assumption本身出发,Assumption 2并不引出Spread risk;

我们这道题,是问3个Assumption体现了啥风险,从Assumption 2本身来看,无法体现Spread risk,反而Assumption 2是用来解决Spread risk的。

但是,我们都知道在现实生活中(以及Duration-matching的理论上),Assumption 2比较难实现,这个假设并不靠谱。所以,从Assumption 2自身来看,这个Assumption 2很容易判断出来是和现实不符合、脱离实际情况的假设,所以他体现的是Model risk:

The risk is that those assumptions turn out to be wrong and the approximations are inaccurate.

也正是由于Assumption 2不靠谱,所以我们在学正式的Duration-matching策略时,并没有这一条假设。


可是现实中很难达成呀,他这个assumption不就是错了么,如果错了的话,不就是引入了spread risk了吗?

对的,这个Assumption本身与现实不符,是Model risk。但仅看Assumption 2本身,并不会有Spread risk。本题刚好也是让我们基于他的3个Assumption来判断体现了啥风险,而Assumption 2无法体现出Spread risk。

但是我们这道题引申一下,基于以上3个Assumption实际做Duration-matching策略,首先是有Model risk,因为假设不靠谱;其次是现实中实现资产、负债的质量、类型、对应利率完全同步也比较难,这体现了Spread risk。


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NO.PZ2019103001000017问题如下Soto explains to Huens ththe unrlying ration-matching strategy is baseon the following three assumptions.1. Yielcurve shifts in the future will parallel.2. Bontypes anquality will closely matthose of the liabilities.3. The portfolio will rebalancebuying or selling bon rather thusing rivatives.Soto’s three assumptions regarng the ration-matching strategy incate the presenof: A.mol risk. B.sprerisk. C.counterparty cret risk. A is correct. Soto believes thany shift in the yielcurve will parallel. Mol risk arises whenever assumptions are ma about future events anapproximations are useto measure key parameters. The risk is ththose assumptions turn out to wrong anthe approximations are inaccurate. A non-parallel yielcurve shift couloccur, resulting in a mismatof the ration of the immunizing portfolio versus the liability.这个题目可以从头一下吗? 我理解三个假设就是可以解决sprerisk的问题不是吗?

2022-03-31 13:38 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2019103001000017问题如下Soto explains to Huens ththe unrlying ration-matching strategy is baseon the following three assumptions.1. Yielcurve shifts in the future will parallel.2. Bontypes anquality will closely matthose of the liabilities.3. The portfolio will rebalancebuying or selling bon rather thusing rivatives.Soto’s three assumptions regarng the ration-matching strategy incate the presenof: A.mol risk. B.sprerisk. C.counterparty cret risk. A is correct. Soto believes thany shift in the yielcurve will parallel. Mol risk arises whenever assumptions are ma about future events anapproximations are useto measure key parameters. The risk is ththose assumptions turn out to wrong anthe approximations are inaccurate. A non-parallel yielcurve shift couloccur, resulting in a mismatof the ration of the immunizing portfolio versus the liability.3. The portfolio will rebalancebuying or selling bon rather thusing rivatives.是因为现实中往往用rivatives吗,但我们假设是用了Buy ansell bon?所以就有mol risk???

2022-03-14 15:45 4 · 回答

NO.PZ2019103001000017 解答里面的那个非常长的答案根本看不懂在说些什么。

2021-10-01 06:06 1 · 回答

想请问一下,ration matching假设了利率是平行移动的,因此consiration会有非平行移动带来的影响,进而会使immunization失败,之前讲的是叫structurrisk。那这道题的意思是,这个假设是不完整的,不准确的,所以也算作由于假设和approximation所带来的的mol risk对吗?

2020-03-01 02:27 1 · 回答