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HG · 2021年03月19日




Yankel Stein is the chief investment officer of a large charitable foundation based in the United States. Although the foundation has significant exposure to alternative investments and hedge funds, Stein proposes to increase the foundation’s exposure to relative value hedge fund strategies. As part of Stein’s due diligence on a hedge fund engaging in convertible bond arbitrage, Stein asks his investment analyst to summarize different risks associated with the strategy.

Describe how Credit issues can create concerns for Stein’s proposed hedge fund strategy.



Credit issues may complicate valuation since bonds have exposure to credit risk. When credit spreads widen or narrow, there would be a mismatch in the values of the stock and convertible bond positions that the convertible manager may or may not have attempted to hedge away.

“同学你好,Credit issues,指的是convertible bond会面临信用风险,信用风险得大小会影响CB的price,我们这个策略成功的前提就是股债同涨同跌,但是当发生信用风险的时候,股票和债券之间价格的关系就会变化,那么策略就有可能不成功。”老师这是一个回答,我想问的是如果credit出现了问题,CB的price确实会变差,但是stock也肯定会下降啊,那不是还是同涨同跌吗?

2 个答案

韩韩_品职助教 · 2021年03月20日




韩韩_品职助教 · 2021年03月19日


同学你好,CB策略中short stock的目的是对冲掉CB中含的call option的delta。或者说,Short stock的数量只根据delta而定。 也就是说,此时构建的对冲策略为,股票涨一块钱,Call就会同涨delta块钱。所以需要short delta份股票去对冲这个call。 可以看到,这个对冲策略里,并没有涉及credit risk/credit spread,也就是暗含了假设无信用风险,或者假设credit spread不变。所以如果credit risk发生变化。之前建立好的对冲就不能实现了。

举例来说,Credit risk/spread变化并不一定非要是一涨一跌,可以是两者同时涨(信用质量变好/credit spread narrow),但此时就不是按照股票涨一块钱,call涨delta块钱这种关系涨了。所以当信用风险发生变化的时候,这个策略当中构建的delta的对冲会变化,而这种变化是此前对冲(delta hedge)没有考虑进去的,也就是会使得之前构建的对冲实现不了。所以这个策略能否盈利也就不确定了。



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NO.PZ2019122802000014 问题如下 Yankel Stein is the chief investment officer of a large charitable fountion basein the UniteStates. Although the fountion hsignificant exposure to alternative investments anhee fun, Stein proposes to increase the fountion’s exposure to relative value hee funstrategies. part of Stein’s e ligenon a hee funengaging in convertible bonarbitrage, Stein asks his investment analyst to summarize fferent risks associatewith the strategy.scrihow Cret issues ccreate concerns for Stein’s proposehee funstrategy. Cret issues mcomplicate valuation sinbon have exposure to cret risk. When cret sprea win or narrow, there woula mismatin the values of the stoanconvertible bonpositions ththe convertible manager mor mnot have attempteto hee away.Cret issues指的是convertible bon面临信用风险,信用风险得大小会影响CB的price,我们这个策略成功的前提就是股债同涨同跌,但是当发生信用风险的时候,股票和债券之间价格的关系就会变化,那么策略就有可能不成功。ps可能有同学会误以为信用违约就会导致什么钱不剩了,但这种理解的信用违约是卷款跑路——这是犯罪,不是违约!真正的信用违约是比如本来约定5月5日还款,今天钱没到账,变成5月6日还款,或者本来说连本带利换110万(本金100万),现在经营情况恶化只能还108万了。如果更极端一点,破产了(即所谓的资不抵债了),因为债是优先清算的,所以只要还有资产就能还一部分债,不会说直接清零了。那种分文不剩只能发生在庞氏骗局等违法犯罪的情况下。 when cret events happen, convertible bonpriwill crease while stopriis not obviously influncecret risk exposure, there will a loss in the position of convertible bonarbitrage这么回答能得分吗

2024-01-19 21:58 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019122802000014 问题如下 Yankel Stein is the chief investment officer of a large charitable fountion basein the UniteStates. Although the fountion hsignificant exposure to alternative investments anhee fun, Stein proposes to increase the fountion’s exposure to relative value hee funstrategies. part of Stein’s e ligenon a hee funengaging in convertible bonarbitrage, Stein asks his investment analyst to summarize fferent risks associatewith the strategy.scrihow Cret issues ccreate concerns for Stein’s proposehee funstrategy. Cret issues mcomplicate valuation sinbon have exposure to cret risk. When cret sprea win or narrow, there woula mismatin the values of the stoanconvertible bonpositions ththe convertible manager mor mnot have attempteto hee away.Cret issues指的是convertible bon面临信用风险,信用风险得大小会影响CB的price,我们这个策略成功的前提就是股债同涨同跌,但是当发生信用风险的时候,股票和债券之间价格的关系就会变化,那么策略就有可能不成功。ps可能有同学会误以为信用违约就会导致什么钱不剩了,但这种理解的信用违约是卷款跑路——这是犯罪,不是违约!真正的信用违约是比如本来约定5月5日还款,今天钱没到账,变成5月6日还款,或者本来说连本带利换110万(本金100万),现在经营情况恶化只能还108万了。如果更极端一点,破产了(即所谓的资不抵债了),因为债是优先清算的,所以只要还有资产就能还一部分债,不会说直接清零了。那种分文不剩只能发生在庞氏骗局等违法犯罪的情况下。 这里的cret risk 可以理解为,在市场波动比较大的时候,可转债可能会违约,导致可转债的价值下降,但是具体到long convertible bon和 short stock的时候是如何mismatching的呢?

2023-11-14 10:06 4 · 回答

NO.PZ2019122802000014 问题如下 Yankel Stein is the chief investment officer of a large charitable fountion basein the UniteStates. Although the fountion hsignificant exposure to alternative investments anhee fun, Stein proposes to increase the fountion’s exposure to relative value hee funstrategies. part of Stein’s e ligenon a hee funengaging in convertible bonarbitrage, Stein asks his investment analyst to summarize fferent risks associatewith the strategy.scrihow Cret issues ccreate concerns for Stein’s proposehee funstrategy. Cret issues mcomplicate valuation sinbon have exposure to cret risk. When cret sprea win or narrow, there woula mismatin the values of the stoanconvertible bonpositions ththe convertible manager mor mnot have attempteto hee away.Cret issues指的是convertible bon面临信用风险,信用风险得大小会影响CB的price,我们这个策略成功的前提就是股债同涨同跌,但是当发生信用风险的时候,股票和债券之间价格的关系就会变化,那么策略就有可能不成功。ps可能有同学会误以为信用违约就会导致什么钱不剩了,但这种理解的信用违约是卷款跑路——这是犯罪,不是违约!真正的信用违约是比如本来约定5月5日还款,今天钱没到账,变成5月6日还款,或者本来说连本带利换110万(本金100万),现在经营情况恶化只能还108万了。如果更极端一点,破产了(即所谓的资不抵债了),因为债是优先清算的,所以只要还有资产就能还一部分债,不会说直接清零了。那种分文不剩只能发生在庞氏骗局等违法犯罪的情况下。 Cret issues for convertible bonarbitrageconvertible bonarbitrage = long convertible bon+ short selling stockthe security lenr mfaCret issues whithe security borrower cannot return the stoto lenr if the unrlying increase. ?为啥不能从short selling的角度,描述信用问题,stolenr 是面临信用风险的啊?

2023-05-14 09:07 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2019122802000014 问题如下 Yankel Stein is the chief investment officer of a large charitable fountion basein the UniteStates. Although the fountion hsignificant exposure to alternative investments anhee fun, Stein proposes to increase the fountion’s exposure to relative value hee funstrategies. part of Stein’s e ligenon a hee funengaging in convertible bonarbitrage, Stein asks his investment analyst to summarize fferent risks associatewith the strategy.scrihow Cret issues ccreate concerns for Stein’s proposehee funstrategy. Cret issues mcomplicate valuation sinbon have exposure to cret risk. When cret sprea win or narrow, there woula mismatin the values of the stoanconvertible bonpositions ththe convertible manager mor mnot have attempteto hee away.Cret issues指的是convertible bon面临信用风险,信用风险得大小会影响CB的price,我们这个策略成功的前提就是股债同涨同跌,但是当发生信用风险的时候,股票和债券之间价格的关系就会变化,那么策略就有可能不成功。ps可能有同学会误以为信用违约就会导致什么钱不剩了,但这种理解的信用违约是卷款跑路——这是犯罪,不是违约!真正的信用违约是比如本来约定5月5日还款,今天钱没到账,变成5月6日还款,或者本来说连本带利换110万(本金100万),现在经营情况恶化只能还108万了。如果更极端一点,破产了(即所谓的资不抵债了),因为债是优先清算的,所以只要还有资产就能还一部分债,不会说直接清零了。那种分文不剩只能发生在庞氏骗局等违法犯罪的情况下。 the convertible bonarbitrage shoullong unrvalueconvertible bonanshort the unrlying stock.Short selling ccreate concerns for convertible bonarbitrage.1、the stois unavailable to borrow to short selling e to its higher cost2、the stolenr mcall the stobain inapportune time.3、short squeeze. the borrower must buy the stoin increasing market e to other's behavior, whiamplify the loss

2023-05-14 08:43 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2019122802000014 问题如下 Yankel Stein is the chief investment officer of a large charitable fountion basein the UniteStates. Although the fountion hsignificant exposure to alternative investments anhee fun, Stein proposes to increase the fountion’s exposure to relative value hee funstrategies. part of Stein’s e ligenon a hee funengaging in convertible bonarbitrage, Stein asks his investment analyst to summarize fferent risks associatewith the strategy.scrihow Cret issues ccreate concerns for Stein’s proposehee funstrategy. Cret issues mcomplicate valuation sinbon have exposure to cret risk. When cret sprea win or narrow, there woula mismatin the values of the stoanconvertible bonpositions ththe convertible manager mor mnot have attempteto hee away.Cret issues指的是convertible bon面临信用风险,信用风险得大小会影响CB的price,我们这个策略成功的前提就是股债同涨同跌,但是当发生信用风险的时候,股票和债券之间价格的关系就会变化,那么策略就有可能不成功。ps可能有同学会误以为信用违约就会导致什么钱不剩了,但这种理解的信用违约是卷款跑路——这是犯罪,不是违约!真正的信用违约是比如本来约定5月5日还款,今天钱没到账,变成5月6日还款,或者本来说连本带利换110万(本金100万),现在经营情况恶化只能还108万了。如果更极端一点,破产了(即所谓的资不抵债了),因为债是优先清算的,所以只要还有资产就能还一部分债,不会说直接清零了。那种分文不剩只能发生在庞氏骗局等违法犯罪的情况下。 Convertible bonarbitrage performs best unr high issuance, morate market volatility. When market becomes volatile, it will heightens the cret risk, sinthe lenrs mreems the bonsuinappropriate time aninthe short squeeze, whifinally leang to wir cret sprea anincreasing left-tail risks.

2022-12-13 14:10 1 · 回答