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闫珅考试必过 · 2021年03月18日

问一道题:NO.PZ2019012201000060 [ CFA III ]


Dewey asks Sardar to perform a bottom-up style analysis of the Purity Fund based on the aggregation of attributes from individual stocks in the portfolio. Dewey plans to include the results of this style analysis in a profle he is preparing for the fund. The analysis performed by Sardar on the Purity Fund can be best described as being based on:



a holdings-based approach


manager self-identifcation


a returns-based style analysis


A is correct. Dewey asks Sardar to perform a bottom-up style analysis of the Purity Fund based on the aggregation of attributes from individual stocks in the portfolio, which describes a holdings-based approach to style analysis. The overall equity investment style is an aggregation of attributes from individual stocks in the portfolio, weighted by their positions.

1 个答案

maggie_品职助教 · 2021年03月19日


manager self-identifcation太不常用了,原版书也只是一句话带过(就是通过基金募集说明书来判断基金的投资风格),这种方法技术含量太低,所以考察到的几率也很低(李老师在基础班也说过)。所以这个地方只要重点掌握前两种方法即可。


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NO.PZ2019012201000060 问题如下 wey asks Sarr to perform a bottom-up style analysis of the Purity Funbaseon the aggregation of attributes from invistocks in the portfolio. wey plans to inclu the results of this style analysis in a profile he is preparing for the fun The analysis performeSarr on the Purity Funcbest scribebeing baseon: A.a holngs-baseapproa B.manager self-intifcation C.a returns-basestyle analysis A is correct. wey asks Sarr to perform a bottom-up style analysis of the Purity Funbaseon the aggregation of attributes from invistocks in the portfolio, whiscribes a holngs-baseapproato style analysis. The overall equity investment style is aggregation of attributes from invistocks in the portfolio, weightetheir positions. manager self-intifcation是top wn还是bottom up?

2024-07-10 09:40 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000060问题如下wey asks Sarr to perform a bottom-up style analysis of the Purity Funbaseon the aggregation of attributes from invistocks in the portfolio. wey plans to inclu the results of this style analysis in a profle he is preparing for the fun The analysis performeSarr on the Purity Funcbest scribebeing baseon: A.a holngs-baseapproa B.manager self-intifcation C.a returns-basestyle analysis A is correct. wey asks Sarr to perform a bottom-up style analysis of the Purity Funbaseon the aggregation of attributes from invistocks in the portfolio, whiscribes a holngs-baseapproato style analysis. The overall equity investment style is aggregation of attributes from invistocks in the portfolio, weightetheir positions. 如标题。holng base是bottom up,那return base能否说是top-wn的?翻了一下讲义,好像没有找到这种说法。

2023-12-01 09:42 1 · 回答

 aggregation of attributes from invistocks,这个说的不是把每个股票的return的贡献汇总起来吗?

2020-10-20 19:13 1 · 回答

老師 請問有這樣一說嗎 return base就是top wn?

2020-10-03 19:21 3 · 回答