NO.PZ2016010801000056 问题如下 If the mestic currenbecomes stronger compareto foreign currency, then: A.aggregate supply curve will shift wnwar B.aggregate mancurve will shift wnwar C.aggregate mancurve es not change. B is correct. The stronger mestic currenwill result in a crease in net export, so the short run aggregate manwill crease anthe SRcurve will shift wnwar the short run aggregate supply curve will increase anthe SRcurve will shift upwar考点短期总需求总供给曲线解析本币走强,净出口下降,短期总需求下降,A线向下平移,所以B正确,C错误。本币走强后进口原材料价格以本币计量数值下降,那么短期总供给曲线上升,SRAS曲线向上平移。所以A错误。 为啥a也是正确的。货币升值不是总供给也是增加的吗,那不应该是向上平移?
NO.PZ2016010801000056 解析本币走强,净出口下降,短期总需求下降,A线向下平移,所以B正确,C错误。 本币走强后进口原材料价格以本币计量数值下降,那么短期总供给曲线上升,SRAS曲线向上平移。所以A错误。 那么短期总供给曲线上升,SRAS曲线应该是向右移也就是向下移动,所以A也是正确的。
老师,好 这道题目看了前面的提问。确实AB都是对的哇。所以说考试不会出这种模棱两可的题目吧?
mestic currenbecomes stronger compareto foreign currency,是指本币比外币的减少是吧?