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seven-zhu · 2021年03月13日

callable bond



With any other factors remaining unchanged, which of the following statements regarding bonds is not valid?



The price of a callable bond increases when interest rates increase.


Issuance of a callable bond is equivalent to a short position in a straight bond plus a long call option on the bond price.


The put feature in a puttable bond lowers its yield compared with the yield of an equivalent straight bond.


The price of an inverse floater decreases as interest rates increase.



Answer B is valid because a short position in a callable bond is the same as a short position in a straight bond plus a long position in a call (the issuer can call the bond back). Answer C is valid because a put is favorable for the investor, so it lowers the yield. Answer D is valid because an inverse floater has high duration.

callable bond 和 covered call 一样吗,有什么区别吗。还有为什么callable bond等于short bond +long call呢,我画了图,他们两个相加应该是long put那个图形吧

1 个答案

品职答疑小助手雍 · 2021年03月13日



covered call 是一种策略,在持有基础资产的同时,short call option,此时收益是有上限的,不过和本题没啥关系哈。

callable bond是一种债券,在债券价格上升到一定程度的时候,可以被债券发行人以约定好的价格赎回。所以发行callable bond首先相当于short了bond,同时自己买了个bond的看涨期权(比如约定110块赎回),那债券价格在利率不断下降时涨到了110以上,发行人就能以110的价格赎回债券了。


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NO.PZ2016082402000044问题如下 With any other factors remaining unchange whiof the following statements regarng bon is not vali The priof a callable bonincreases when interest rates increase. Issuance of a callable bonis equivalent to a short position in a straight bonplus a long call option on the bonprice. The put feature in a puttable bonlowers its yielcomparewith the yielof an equivalent straight bon The priof inverse floater creases interest rates increase. ANSWER: A Answer B is valid because a short position in a callable bonis the same a short position in a straight bonplus a long position in a call (the issuer ccall the bond back). Answer C is valibecause a put is favorable for the investor, so it lowers the yiel Answer is valibecause inverse floater hhigh ration. 为什么A错了,不太明白

2022-03-26 15:40 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016082402000044 With any other factors remaining unchange whiof the following statements regarng bon is not vali The priof a callable bonincreases when interest rates increase. Issuanof a callable bonis equivalent to a short position in a straight bonplus a long call option on the bonprice. The put feature in a puttable bonlowers its yielcomparewith the yielof equivalent straight bon The priof inverse floater creases interest rates increase. ANSWER: A Answer B is valibecause a short position in a callable bonis the same a short position in a straight bonplus a long position in a call (the issuer ccall the bonback). Answer C is valibecause a put is favorable for the investor, so it lowers the yiel Answer is valibecause inverse floater hhigh ration. B 的issuranof a callable不是 long callable的意思吗。

2021-03-13 15:05 1 · 回答

Issuanof a callable bonis equivalent to a short position in a straight bonplus a long call option on the bonprice. The put feature in a puttable bonlowers its yielcomparewith the yielof equivalent straight bon The priof inverse floater creases interest rates increase. ANSWER: A Answer B is valibecause a short position in a callable bonis the same a short position in a straight bonplus a long position in a call (the issuer ccall the bonback). Answer C is valibecause a put is favorable for the investor, so it lowers the yiel Answer is valibecause inverse floater hhigh ration. 逆浮动的久期为什么更长?????

2020-09-25 14:48 1 · 回答

With any other factors remaining unchange whiof the following statements regarng bon is not vali The priof a callable bonincreases when interest rates increase. Issuanof a callable bonis equivalent to a short position in a straight bonplus a long call option on the bonprice. The put feature in a puttable bonlowers its yielcomparewith the yielof equivalent straight bon The priof inverse floater creases interest rates increase. ANSWER: A Answer B is valibecause a short position in a callable bonis the same a short position in a straight bonplus a long position in a call (the issuer ccall the bonback). Answer C is valibecause a put is favorable for the investor, so it lowers the yiel Answer is valibecause inverse floater hhigh ration. 能下 啥是逆浮动债券吗

2020-09-21 16:49 1 · 回答