Based on Exhibit 1 and Wakuluk’s assumptions about short-term rates and expected inflation, short-term rates in Country X are most likely to be:
A.low and bottoming.
B.above average and rising.
C.approaching a peak.
A is correct. Country X is predicted to be in the initial recovery phase of the business cycle, which suggests short-term (money market) rates are low or bottoming. Inflation is procyclical. It accelerates in the later stages of the business cycle when the output gap has closed, and it decelerates when a large output gap puts downward pressure on wages and prices, which often happens during a recession or the early years afterward. As long as short-term interest rates adjust with expected inflation, cash is essentially a zero-duration, inflationprotected asset that earns a floating real rate, which is typically procyclical. Wakuluk assumes short-term interest rates adjust with expected inflation and are procyclical. Tus, short-term rates are most likely to be low and bottoming if Country X is in the initial recovery phase of the business cycle.
- Output GAP 是?? Output Gap = Actual GDP - Potential GDP
- 答案中提到“a large output gap puts downward pressure on wages and prices” ,这是因为经济过热(生产过多导致过剩)造成的吗?如果不是,是什么原因导致的?