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罗密欧 · 2017年12月29日

问一道题:NO.PZ2015121801000073 [ CFA I ]







这道题为什么不是选c选项  不是cal比有效前沿好在于加入risk free么  应该是purchase the  不太懂
2 个答案

源_品职助教 · 2017年12月29日


Caren · 2019年03月26日


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NO.PZ2015121801000073 问题如下 Compareto the efficient frontier of risky assets, the minant capitallocation line hhigher rates of return for levels of risk greater ththe optimrisky portfolio because of the investor’s ability to: A.lenthe risk-free rate. B.borrow the risk-free rate. C.purchase the risk-free asset. is correct.The Cminates the efficient frontier all points except for the optimrisky portfolio. The ability of the investor to purchase aitionamounts of the optimrisky portfolio borrowing (i.e., buying on margin) the risk-free rate makes higher rates of return for levels of risk greater ththe optimrisky asset possible. 不懂为啥能看出来用risk free rate来借钱?borrowing portfolio不是只能看出我的资产配比中使用了杠杆来增加了有风险股票投资吗?

2024-05-14 12:20 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015121801000073问题如下Compareto the efficient frontier of risky assets, the minant capitallocation line hhigher rates of return for levels of risk greater ththe optimrisky portfolio because of the investor’s ability to:A.lenthe risk-free rate.B.borrow the risk-free rate.C.purchase the risk-free asset.is correct.The Cminates the efficient frontier all points except for the optimrisky portfolio. The ability of the investor to purchase aitionamounts of the optimrisky portfolio borrowing (i.e., buying on margin) the risk-free rate makes higher rates of return for levels of risk greater ththe optimrisky asset possible.如果没有这个优于,就选c

2024-03-05 06:56 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015121801000073 问题如下 Compareto the efficient frontier of risky assets, the minant capitallocation line hhigher rates of return for levels of risk greater ththe optimrisky portfolio because of the investor’s ability to: A.lenthe risk-free rate. B.borrow the risk-free rate. C.purchase the risk-free asset. is correct.The Cminates the efficient frontier all points except for the optimrisky portfolio. The ability of the investor to purchase aitionamounts of the optimrisky portfolio borrowing (i.e., buying on margin) the risk-free rate makes higher rates of return for levels of risk greater ththe optimrisky asset possible. 请问为什么不是c?CAL不是optimrisky asset anrisk free asset连在一起的线吗?

2022-10-27 11:40 1 · 回答


2019-07-24 15:31 1 · 回答


2019-06-17 22:57 1 · 回答