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xq0503@gmail.com · 2021年02月09日




Luca Gerber recently became the chief investment officer for the Ludwigs Family Charity, a mid-size private foundation in Switzerland. Prior to assuming this role, Gerber was a well-known health care industry analyst. The Ludwigs’ family fortune is primarily the result of entrepreneurship. Gerhard Ludwigs founded ABC Innovations (ABC), a biotech company dedicated to small cell lung cancer research. The foundation’s portfolio is fifteen percent invested in ABC.

Gerber initially feels that fifteen percent investment in ABC is high. However, upon review, he decides it is appropriate based on Ludwigs’ involvement and their past success with similar ventures. Gerber makes a mental note to himself to closely monitor the investment in ABC because he is not familiar with small-cap startup companies. The remaining 85 percent of the foundation’s portfolio is invested in equity of high quality large-cap pharmaceutical companies. Gerber deems this allocation appropriate and is excited that he is able to continue to use his superior knowledge of the health care industry.

Discuss how Gerber displayed overconfidence bias and cite one example to support this statement. Distinguish between the availability bias and the overconfidence bias.



Gerber displayed overconfidence bias by having too much faith in his "superior knowledge of the health care industry." Overconfidence bias and the related illusion of knowledge bias result when individuals overestimate their knowledge levels and abilities. Overconfidence bias has aspects of both cognitive and emotional errors but is classified as emotional because the emotional aspect dominates. Emotional biases, which stem from impulse or intuition, may be considered to result from reasoning influenced by feelings. These biases are difficult to correct.

Overconfidence is primarily an emotional bias and is thus different from availability bias which is an information-processing bias and a cognitive error. Cognitive errors result from faulty reasoning and analysis. The individual may be attempting to follow a rational decision-making process but fails to do so because of cognitive errors. Gerber perceives the foundation’s investment allocation and stock selection as appropriate, and does not process all of the information available to him. He notes that ABC should be monitored closely because of the fact he is not familiar with startup companies; however, he does not process information that goes beyond his knowledge base to see that the investment itself is problematic. Although the overconfidence and availability biases are clearly related, Gerber can make better investment decisions by focusing on the cognitive error aspects of his behavior. Cognitive biases are easier to correct for than emotional biases, which are based on how people feel.


1 个答案

王琛_品职助教 · 2021年02月18日

- 这道题是课后题第 2 题,课后题第 1 题中,已经考查了 availability bias
- 这道题第二问考查 overconfidence bias 和 availability bias 的区别。一个是 cognitive,一个是 emotional,这道题熟悉一下考法即可哈

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