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Eva · 2021年02月07日


2020 Mock C 上午 42题

Assuming that there are no changes in the fiscal or trade balances, if investment expenditures become highly sensitive to interest rates, the aggregate demand curve is most likely to be:

  • flatter.
  • steeper.
  • unaffected. 


A is correct. Since there are no changes in the fiscal or trade balances, the balance between aggregate expenditure and aggregate income requires that changes in investment spending equal changes in private savings. Assume that interest rates fall: Investment will increase (by a larger amount, given the increased sensitivity to rates); savings will have to fall (this arises because there is less incentive to save, given the lower interest rate; consumption will increase; and national income will increase. The IS curve will be flatter the more sensitive investments are to interest rates. This means that income will have to move more to induce a large enough change in savings to match the change in investment spending, which implies a flatter aggregate demand curve.

2 个答案

丹丹_品职答疑助手 · 2021年02月12日

同学你好,是在咱们基础班R14-GDP calculation: income approach & relationship between inome approach and expenditure approach ,11:27左右

丹丹_品职答疑助手 · 2021年02月07日


同学你好,本题考查影响收入支出法的变型以及AD 斜率的因素

根据收入=支出的原则:S=I+(G-T)+(X-M),根据题干no changes in the fiscal (G-T)or trade balances(X-M),所以changes in investment spending equal changes in private savings这样等式才能保存。

因为investment 是利率敏感且成反向的,所以档利率下降,投资增加,个人储蓄减少,所以当利率变动时,其需要更多的income变动来使得其个人储蓄变动等于个人投资变动。(其他因素可参见讲义155)


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