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每天都想出坑的铁头娃 · 2021年01月17日

问一道题:NO.PZ2019012201000048 [ CFA III ]


After determining Winthrop’s objectives and constraints, the CAD147 million portfolio’s new strategic policy is to target long-term market returns while being fully invested at all times. Tong recommends quarterly rebalancing, currency hedging, and a composite benchmark composed of equity and fixed-income indexes. Currently the USD is worth CAD1.2930, and this exchange rate is expected to remain stable during the next month. Exhibit 2 presents the strategic asset allocation and benchmark weights.

In one month, Winthrop will receive a performance bonus of USD5,750,000. He believes that the US equity market is likely to increase during this timeframe. To take advantage of Winthrop’s market outlook, he instructs Tong to immediately initiate an equity transaction using the S&P 500 futures contract with a current price of 2,464.29 while respecting the policy weights in Exhibit 2. The S&P 500 futures contract multiplier is 250, and the S&P 500 E-mini multiplier is 50.

In preparation for receipt of the performance bonus, Tong should immediately:



buy two US E-mini equity futures contracts


sell nine US E-mini equity futures contracts


buy seven US E-mini equity futures contracts


The amount of the performance bonus that will be received in one month (USD5,750,000) needs to be invested passively based upon the strategic allocation recommended by Tong. Using the strategic allocation of the portfolio, 15% (USD862,500.00) should be allocated to US equity exposure using the S&P 500 E-mini contract, which trades in US dollars. Because the futures price is 2,464.29 and the S&P 500 E-mini multiplier is 50, the contract unit value is USD123,214.50 (2,464.29 × 50).

The correct number of futures contracts is (5,750,000.00 × 0.15)/123,214.50 = 7.00.

Therefore, Tong will buy seven S&P 500 E-mini futures contracts.

老师好,我想问一下这个multiplier的问题。我感觉我做题的时候没有看懂。现在看完答案是不是就是说交易所给了一个美国股指期货的统一价格,这个概念类似于ctd,只不过是要sp500还是要e-mini不一定,要自己去乘。就类似于conversion factor。你要sp 500的future就自觉乘250,你要e-mini就乘50,因为是标准化的合约。是这个意思么?顺便再问一句,如果说要买sp500的future,算完就是5.75m x .15 / future price x 250, 算出来是1。39份,大约就是买一份,是吧
1 个答案

maggie_品职助教 · 2021年01月18日


因为Index是用点位进行衡量的,比如现在指数是多少多少点位。但我们目标还是想知道这个期货合约的价值是多少,点位并不代表价格。那乘数其实就代表了一个点位值多少钱,比如一个点位值50元,当指数是2464.29点时,就代表这个index futures的价格是50*2464.29, 如果买了5份index futures,那么总的价值就是5*2464.29*50。为何用50而不是250?因为选项中提示你用s&p 500 e-mini futures contract,有些时候咱们做题如果在题干中找不到信息,也可以反过来看看选项。如果用s&p 500  futures contract,你列的式子是正确的。



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NO.PZ2019012201000048 问题如下 After terminingWinthrop’s objectives anconstraints, the CA47 million portfolio’s newstrategic poliis to target long-term market returns while being fullyinvesteall times. Tong recommen quarterly rebalancing, currenheing,ana composite benchmark composeof equity anfixeincome inxes.Currently the USis worth CA.2930, anthis exchange rate is expectetoremain stable ring the next month. Exhibit 2 presents the strategic assetallocation anbenchmark weights.In one month,Winthrop will receive a performanbonus of US,750,000. He believes ththeUS equity market is likely to increase ring this timeframe. To take aantageof Winthrop’s market outlook, he instructs Tong to immeately initiate equitytransaction using the S P 500 futures contrawith a current priof2,464.29 while respecting the poliweights in Exhibit 2. The S P 500futures contramultiplier is 250, anthe S P 500 E-mini multiplier is50.Inpreparation for receipt of the performanbonus, Tong shoulimmeately A.buy two US E-mini equity futures contracts B.sell nine US E-mini equity futures contracts C.buy seven US E-mini equity futures contracts The amount of theperformanbonus thwill receivein one month (US,750,000) nee to beinvestepassively baseupon the strategic allocation recommenTong.Using the strategic allocation of the portfolio, 15% (US62,500.00) shoulbeallocateto US equity exposure using the S P 500 E-mini contract, whichtras in US llars. Because the futures priis 2,464.29 anthe S P 500E-mini multiplier is 50, the contraunit value is US23,214.50 (2,464.29 ×50).The correnumberof futures contracts is (5,750,000.00 × 0.15)/123,214.50 = 7.00.Therefore, Tongwill buy seven S P 500 E-mini futures contracts. Because the futures priis 2,464.29 anthe S P 500 E-mini multiplier is 50, the contraunit value is US23,214.50 (2,464.29 × 50).老师,可以再一下2464.29*50算出来的是什么吗。这里有点混future price和multiplier的关系了

2024-06-30 16:57 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000048问题如下 After terminingWinthrop’s objectives anconstraints, the CA47 million portfolio’s newstrategic poliis to target long-term market returns while being fullyinvesteall times. Tong recommen quarterly rebalancing, currenheing,ana composite benchmark composeof equity anfixeincome inxes.Currently the USis worth CA.2930, anthis exchange rate is expectetoremain stable ring the next month. Exhibit 2 presents the strategic assetallocation anbenchmark weights.In one month,Winthrop will receive a performanbonus of US,750,000. He believes ththeUS equity market is likely to increase ring this timeframe. To take aantageof Winthrop’s market outlook, he instructs Tong to immeately initiate equitytransaction using the S P 500 futures contrawith a current priof2,464.29 while respecting the poliweights in Exhibit 2. The S P 500futures contramultiplier is 250, anthe S P 500 E-mini multiplier is50.Inpreparation for receipt of the performanbonus, Tong shoulimmeatelyA.buy two US E-mini equity futures contracts B.sell nine US E-mini equity futures contracts C.buy seven US E-mini equity futures contracts The amount of theperformanbonus thwill receivein one month (US,750,000) nee to beinvestepassively baseupon the strategic allocation recommenTong.Using the strategic allocation of the portfolio, 15% (US62,500.00) shoulbeallocateto US equity exposure using the S P 500 E-mini contract, whichtras in US llars. Because the futures priis 2,464.29 anthe S P 500E-mini multiplier is 50, the contraunit value is US23,214.50 (2,464.29 ×50).The correnumberof futures contracts is (5,750,000.00 × 0.15)/123,214.50 = 7.00.Therefore, Tongwill buy seven S P 500 E-mini futures contracts. 请教一下老师,这道题是不是要等学了rivative那一章之后才会做呢?在Equity这章rivative baseapproaches课件中基本都是结论,不涉及任何计算。感谢解答~

2024-05-29 22:49 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000048 问题如下 After terminingWinthrop’s objectives anconstraints, the CA47 million portfolio’s newstrategic poliis to target long-term market returns while being fullyinvesteall times. Tong recommen quarterly rebalancing, currenheing,ana composite benchmark composeof equity anfixeincome inxes.Currently the USis worth CA.2930, anthis exchange rate is expectetoremain stable ring the next month. Exhibit 2 presents the strategic assetallocation anbenchmark weights.In one month,Winthrop will receive a performanbonus of US,750,000. He believes ththeUS equity market is likely to increase ring this timeframe. To take aantageof Winthrop’s market outlook, he instructs Tong to immeately initiate equitytransaction using the S P 500 futures contrawith a current priof2,464.29 while respecting the poliweights in Exhibit 2. The S P 500futures contramultiplier is 250, anthe S P 500 E-mini multiplier is50.Inpreparation for receipt of the performanbonus, Tong shoulimmeately A.buy two US E-mini equity futures contracts B.sell nine US E-mini equity futures contracts C.buy seven US E-mini equity futures contracts The amount of theperformanbonus thwill receivein one month (US,750,000) nee to beinvestepassively baseupon the strategic allocation recommenTong.Using the strategic allocation of the portfolio, 15% (US62,500.00) shoulbeallocateto US equity exposure using the S P 500 E-mini contract, whichtras in US llars. Because the futures priis 2,464.29 anthe S P 500E-mini multiplier is 50, the contraunit value is US23,214.50 (2,464.29 ×50).The correnumberof futures contracts is (5,750,000.00 × 0.15)/123,214.50 = 7.00.Therefore, Tongwill buy seven S P 500 E-mini futures contracts. 助教你好这是equity M2 被动投资的题目,M2这章的核心话题就是被动投资型的基金经理要replicate inx performance。但我在这题里没觉得哪里像是被动投资,跟着benchmark portfolio里的权重去买,就算被动吗?权益所有章节都很虚,导致我做权益的题目老是不知道自己看见的题干信息是否就是某某知识点,所以我想请你指出这道题,被动投资的被动体现在哪?题干一开始给的美加汇率在本题没用到,但考试时会出现把权益和汇率的题目联系在一起的这种难度么?如果这题考虑到了汇率且用的是加拿大债券这一个asset class,那就要把美元换成家币performanbonus of US,750,000换成CA然后才能进行后续的计算,是么?谢谢 😭

2024-05-16 12:12 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000048 问题如下 After terminingWinthrop’s objectives anconstraints, the CA47 million portfolio’s newstrategic poliis to target long-term market returns while being fullyinvesteall times. Tong recommen quarterly rebalancing, currenheing,ana composite benchmark composeof equity anfixeincome inxes.Currently the USis worth CA.2930, anthis exchange rate is expectetoremain stable ring the next month. Exhibit 2 presents the strategic assetallocation anbenchmark weights.In one month,Winthrop will receive a performanbonus of US,750,000. He believes ththeUS equity market is likely to increase ring this timeframe. To take aantageof Winthrop’s market outlook, he instructs Tong to immeately initiate equitytransaction using the S P 500 futures contrawith a current priof2,464.29 while respecting the poliweights in Exhibit 2. The S P 500futures contramultiplier is 250, anthe S P 500 E-mini multiplier is50.Inpreparation for receipt of the performanbonus, Tong shoulimmeately A.buy two US E-mini equity futures contracts B.sell nine US E-mini equity futures contracts C.buy seven US E-mini equity futures contracts The amount of theperformanbonus thwill receivein one month (US,750,000) nee to beinvestepassively baseupon the strategic allocation recommenTong.Using the strategic allocation of the portfolio, 15% (US62,500.00) shoulbeallocateto US equity exposure using the S P 500 E-mini contract, whichtras in US llars. Because the futures priis 2,464.29 anthe S P 500E-mini multiplier is 50, the contraunit value is US23,214.50 (2,464.29 ×50).The correnumberof futures contracts is (5,750,000.00 × 0.15)/123,214.50 = 7.00.Therefore, Tongwill buy seven S P 500 E-mini futures contracts. He believes ththe US equity market is likely to increase ring this timeframe.这句话作用是什么?题目后面说根据W的市场观点来判断要做什么交易。但是其实不管W的观点什么样,都是按照SAA的比例来买US equity futures?所以这个观点其实并没有作用,是这样么?

2024-05-09 17:11 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000048 问题如下 After terminingWinthrop’s objectives anconstraints, the CA47 million portfolio’s newstrategic poliis to target long-term market returns while being fullyinvesteall times. Tong recommen quarterly rebalancing, currenheing,ana composite benchmark composeof equity anfixeincome inxes.Currently the USis worth CA.2930, anthis exchange rate is expectetoremain stable ring the next month. Exhibit 2 presents the strategic assetallocation anbenchmark weights.In one month,Winthrop will receive a performanbonus of US,750,000. He believes ththeUS equity market is likely to increase ring this timeframe. To take aantageof Winthrop’s market outlook, he instructs Tong to immeately initiate equitytransaction using the S P 500 futures contrawith a current priof2,464.29 while respecting the poliweights in Exhibit 2. The S P 500futures contramultiplier is 250, anthe S P 500 E-mini multiplier is50.Inpreparation for receipt of the performanbonus, Tong shoulimmeately A.buy two US E-mini equity futures contracts B.sell nine US E-mini equity futures contracts C.buy seven US E-mini equity futures contracts The amount of theperformanbonus thwill receivein one month (US,750,000) nee to beinvestepassively baseupon the strategic allocation recommenTong.Using the strategic allocation of the portfolio, 15% (US62,500.00) shoulbeallocateto US equity exposure using the S P 500 E-mini contract, whichtras in US llars. Because the futures priis 2,464.29 anthe S P 500E-mini multiplier is 50, the contraunit value is US23,214.50 (2,464.29 ×50).The correnumberof futures contracts is (5,750,000.00 × 0.15)/123,214.50 = 7.00.Therefore, Tongwill buy seven S P 500 E-mini futures contracts. 为什么用S P E-mini的multiples 50,而不是直接用S P 500本身的multiples 250呢?

2024-04-09 21:20 2 · 回答