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Caren · 2021年01月01日

问一道题:NO.PZ2016031201000031 [ CFA I ]


The value of a swap typically:



is non-zero at initiation.


is obtained through replication.


does not fluctuate over the life of the contract.


B is correct.

Valuation of the swap during its life appeals to replication and the principle of arbitrage. Valuation consists of reproducing the remaining payments on the swap with other transactions. The value of that replication strategy is the value of the swap. The swap price is typically set such that the swap contract has a value of zero at initiation. The value of a swap contract will change during the life of the contract as the value of the underlying changes in value.

1 个答案

丹丹_品职答疑助手 · 2021年01月02日



期限内的swap估值来源于复制和套利原则。swap的 估值包括是将其剩余时间段的现金流相加。 复制策略的求的价值就是swap的价值。 互换价格通常设定为互换合约开始时的价值为零。 互换合约的价值在合约有效期内会随着潜在价值的变化而变化。


  • 1

  • 0

  • 657


NO.PZ2016031201000031 问题如下 The value of a swtypically: A.is non-zero initiation. B.is obtainethrough replication. C.es not fluctuate over the life of the contract. B is correct.Valuation of the swring its life appeals to replication anthe principle of arbitrage. Valuation consists of reprocing the remaining payments on the swwith other transactions. The value of threplication strategy is the value of the swap. The swpriis typically set suththe swcontraha value of zero initiation. The value of a swcontrawill change ring the life of the contrathe value of the unrlying changes in value. 中文解析swap的value在期初为0,但是在合约期内,这个价值是会随着标的物资产的价值的改变而改变的,所以是处于一个波动的状态,所以A和C都是错误的。我们对swap进行估值时,是将其等效为两个债券的现金流,将未来的现金流折现求净值得到的,是基于一个replication的原理,所以B是正确的。 在这个表述下。loan是出借人还是借款人?决定了这个 fixerate interest x同学是给出去还是收进来。我的理解是loan是出借,借钱给别人。 bt是借款,向别人借钱。

2024-02-27 22:40 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016031201000031 问题如下 The value of a swtypically: A.is non-zero initiation. B.is obtainethrough replication. C.es not fluctuate over the life of the contract. B is correct.Valuation of the swring its life appeals to replication anthe principle of arbitrage. Valuation consists of reprocing the remaining payments on the swwith other transactions. The value of threplication strategy is the value of the swap. The swpriis typically set suththe swcontraha value of zero initiation. The value of a swcontrawill change ring the life of the contrathe value of the unrlying changes in value. 中文解析swap的value在期初为0,但是在合约期内,这个价值是会随着标的物资产的价值的改变而改变的,所以是处于一个波动的状态,所以A和C都是错误的。我们对swap进行估值时,是将其等效为两个债券的现金流,将未来的现金流折现求净值得到的,是基于一个replication的原理,所以B是正确的。 如题

2023-10-23 07:58 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016031201000031 问题如下 The value of a swtypically: A.is non-zero initiation. B.is obtainethrough replication. C.es not fluctuate over the life of the contract. B is correct.Valuation of the swring its life appeals to replication anthe principle of arbitrage. Valuation consists of reprocing the remaining payments on the swwith other transactions. The value of threplication strategy is the value of the swap. The swpriis typically set suththe swcontraha value of zero initiation. The value of a swcontrawill change ring the life of the contrathe value of the unrlying changes in value. 中文解析swap的value在期初为0,但是在合约期内,这个价值是会随着标的物资产的价值的改变而改变的,所以是处于一个波动的状态,所以A和C都是错误的。我们对swap进行估值时,是将其等效为两个债券的现金流,将未来的现金流折现求净值得到的,是基于一个replication的原理,所以B是正确的。 我理解合约期内value是会波动的,但price不会波动对吧

2023-04-28 14:03 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016031201000031问题如下The value of a swtypically:A.is non-zero initiation.B.is obtainethrough replication.C.es not fluctuate over the life of the contract. B is correct.Valuation of the swring its life appeals to replication anthe principle of arbitrage. Valuation consists of reprocing the remaining payments on the swwith other transactions. The value of threplication strategy is the value of the swap. The swpriis typically set suththe swcontraha value of zero initiation. The value of a swcontrawill change ring the life of the contrathe value of the unrlying changes in value. 中文解析swap的value在期初为0,但是在合约期内,这个价值是会随着标的物资产的价值的改变而改变的,所以是处于一个波动的状态,所以A和C都是错误的。我们对swap进行估值时,是将其等效为两个债券的现金流,将未来的现金流折现求净值得到的,是基于一个replication的原理,所以B是正确的。 所有的衍生品期初value 都为0吗?有没有特例?

2023-01-30 11:25 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016031201000031 ---------------------------------- 根据讲义,swap可以看作是一系列的forwarcontract,而a forwartransaction thstarts with a zero value is calleat-market forwara forwartransaction thstarts with a nonzero value is calleoff-market forwar 如何知道分拆swap后的forwaroff-market forwar是at-market forwar 如果是off-market forwar那initiation value便不是0,那就可以选A了,不是吗? (此刻心情四大类衍生品的pricing & valuation好难理解,一下子关注t=0,一下子又问t=t,一下子又问t=T;还得要不要考虑持有期间的成本或好处;有时直接折现,有时还得做差再折现。😭😭😭😭)

2022-01-20 23:19 1 · 回答