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小V · 2020年11月30日


请问答案中写道“prospect theory is overweighting the probability of a high financial impact outcome and underweighting the probability of a loss”,如何理解这句话呢?这句话和loss aversion有关系吗?如果有关系,是不是说loss aversion也是underweight probability of loss吗?
1 个答案

王琛_品职助教 · 2020年12月01日

亲要回答你的两个问题,需要先了解 prospect theory 的两个组成部分 value function 和 decision weights 哈

1. prospect theory
- 首先在原版书 P18,通过对比 expected utility theory,得出 prospect theory 的两个重要组成部分:value function 和 decision weights
- "Prospect theory assigns value to gains and losses (changes in wealth) rather than to final wealth, and probabilities are replaced by decision weights."

- 其次在 P24,对两个组成部分,给出了「定性」解释
1)value function 对应 how gains and losses are evaluated
2)decision weights 对应 how uncertain outcomes are weighted

- 接着在 P26,给出了「定量」公式,以及解释
1)value function:s-shaped; moreover, as its asymmetry implies, given the same variation in absolute value there is a bigger impact of losses than of gains (loss aversion)
2)the probability-weighting function:expresses the fact that people tend to overreact to small probability events but underreact to mid-sized and large probabilities.

有了上面对 prospect theory 的两个组成部分的理解,就可以回答你的问题了

2. 解析理解
- 你问的这句话,对应的就是 probability-weighting function,也是课后题第 1 题中 client 2 符合 prospect theory 的原因
- overreact to small probability events but underreact to mid-sized and large probabilities

3. loss aversion
- loss aversion 其实对应的是 prospect theory 的 value function 部分,而不是 probability-weighting function 部分
- "steeper for losses than for gains (loss aversion)" P18
- "given the same variation in absolute value there is a bigger impact of losses than of gains" P26

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