开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


Massa羊羊羊兒🐏🐏🐏 · 2020年11月28日

问一道题:NO.PZ2018062009000033 [ CFA II ]


Eden was seeking a merger partner for his bank recently, he contacted several potential clients, however, all of them replied that they wanted to wait until the release of the newest financial statements. Due to a severe investment failure this year, Eden believed that the financial report next period would be ugly and thus might produce negative effect on the merger process. To make sure that the merger deal carrys on smoothly, Eden decided to take some actions. Considering the following actions, which one of them will violate the Code and Standards?



Eden released announcements about seeking the merger partner on the website of his firm.


Eden placed a buy order which is 5 times the average weekly volume through a friend for his personal account.


Eden hired a new chief financial officer for his firm and instructed him to reaffirm the firm’s announced earnings in previous financial statements.


B is correct.

Based on Standard II(B) Market Manipulation, a purchase order which is remarkably greater than average volume through personal account should be regarded as an attempt to manipulate the market. The ultimate goal is to increase the share price and attract potential buyers, B is correct. Releasing the news of a possible merger and instructing the new officer to reaffirm previous earnings are common actions which can help the investors to make their investment decisions, A and C are incorrect.

A为什么对? M&A一般都是重大保密信息,如果他把这个消息发到网上公开找并购伙伴,别人就会知道公司要并购,并提前买入相关公司股票以套利,A为什么对
1 个答案

Olive_品职助教 · 2020年11月30日



material non-public的消息一旦发布,就不再是material non-public消息了,就变成material public消息了。

