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chanson · 2020年11月28日

问一道题:NO.PZ2018062002000094 [ CFA I ]


An investor has found that value stocks have better performance than growth stocks. She wishes to exploit the value effect, so which stock should be purchased?



The stock of companies with higher than average dividend yields.


The stock of companies with higher than average market-to-book ratios.


The stock of companies with higher than average price-to-earnings ratios.


A is correct.

A value stock has below characteristics: above-average dividend yield, low price-to-earnings and low market-to-book ratios, and a growth stock has the opposite characteristics.

考点:Tests, Implications And Conclusions Of EMH


而价值型的股票说明企业赚的钱都拿来分红了,基本上都是大的成熟的企业(增长机会较少),因此相比growth stocks,它的PE\PB较小,而分红比率较高。

2 个答案

Debrah_品职答疑助手 · 2020年12月04日



Debrah_品职答疑助手 · 2020年11月29日



chanson · 2020年12月03日

也就是说,结合题干和你的解答,即便是发现value stocks are better performance than growth stocks ,最终都会选择growth stocks?

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  • 495


NO.PZ2018062002000094 问题如下 investor hfounthvalue stocks have better performanthgrowth stocks. She wishes to exploit the value effect, so whistoshoulpurchase A.The stoof companies with higher thaverage vinyiel. B.The stoof companies with higher thaverage market-to-book ratios. C.The stoof companies with higher thaverage price-to-earnings ratios. A is correct.A value stohbelow characteristics: above-average vinyiel low price-to-earnings anlow market-to-book ratios, ana growth stohthe opposite characteristics.考点Tests, Implications AnConclusions Of EMH这道题就是说长期实证研究表明,价值型股票在长期是outerperform增长型股票的。那么如果投资者想利用这个发现来赚钱就需要购买价值型的股票。而价值型的股票说明企业赚的钱都拿来分红了,基本上都是大的成熟的企业(增长机会较少),因此相比growth stocks,它的PE\PB较小,而分红比率较高。 想请问一下market-to-book ratio是什么比率

2022-11-24 10:00 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062002000094 问题如下 investor hfounthvalue stocks have better performanthgrowth stocks. She wishes to exploit the value effect, so whistoshoulpurchase A.The stoof companies with higher thaverage vinyiel. B.The stoof companies with higher thaverage market-to-book ratios. C.The stoof companies with higher thaverage price-to-earnings ratios. A is correct.A value stohbelow characteristics: above-average vinyiel low price-to-earnings anlow market-to-book ratios, ana growth stohthe opposite characteristics.考点Tests, Implications AnConclusions Of EMH这道题就是说长期实证研究表明,价值型股票在长期是outerperform增长型股票的。那么如果投资者想利用这个发现来赚钱就需要购买价值型的股票。而价值型的股票说明企业赚的钱都拿来分红了,基本上都是大的成熟的企业(增长机会较少),因此相比growth stocks,它的PE\PB较小,而分红比率较高。 請問一下上課的結論是 Anomalies 是因統計方法而產生的不能推翻有效市場假說而此題 Value effeanomaly 是因統計方法而產生的觀察到的偶然既然如此,為什麼題目還要用這個策略去賺錢呢?概念上有點迷糊還麻煩助教了~謝謝~

2022-10-16 18:45 2 · 回答

The stoof companies with higher thaverage market-to-book ratios. The stoof companies with higher thaverage price-to-earnings ratios. A is correct. A value stock hbelow characteristics: above-average vinyiel low price-to-earnings anlow market-to-book ratios, ana growth stohthe opposite characteristics.为什么pepb低。辛苦下

2020-02-29 17:11 1 · 回答

The stoof companies with higher thaverage market-to-book ratios. The stoof companies with higher thaverage price-to-earnings ratios. A is correct. A value stock hbelow characteristics: above-average vinyiel low price-to-earnings anlow market-to-book ratios, ana growth stohthe opposite characteristics. 老师,这道题没懂,可以一下吗?谢谢

2020-02-07 17:06 1 · 回答