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saimeiei · 2020年11月24日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干


5. In the eighteen months following Brown’s change in financial situation, Klein is least likely to have violated the Standard relating to:



loyalty, prudence, and care.


diligence and reasonable basis.


communication with clients and prospective clients.


C is correct.

In the months following Brown’s change in financial status, Klein is least likely to violate Standard V(B) relating to communication with clients because he disclosed the basic format and other pertinent information regarding PlusAccounts and he distinguished between fact and opinions. During the time period, Klein does not make any new recommendations to Brown and thus is least likely to violate the Standard relating to Communication with Clients and Prospective Clients. During the period, Klein is in jeopardy of violating several other standards including those relating to Loyalty, Prudence, and Care; Suitability; and Diligence and Reasonable Basis. Because of the fee structure, PlusAccount status is not suitable for a client who trades infrequently. Klein neglects his duty of loyalty, prudence, and care by maintaining the PlusAccount Status for more than one year after Brown’s change in trading activity. A diligent review of the account would indicate whether a client has a reasonable basis for maintaining PlusAccount status. Thus, Klein is most likely to violate Standards III(A), III(C), and V (A) during the period in question.


3 个答案

Debrah_品职答疑助手 · 2020年11月26日



客户的账户情况变化,适用的是III(C)Suitability这一条。Updating the IPS should be repeated at least annually and also prior to material changes.由于III(A)是第三条准则的总纲领,只要违反第三条准则中的任意一条,都会违反III(A)。所以本题violate III(A):Loyalty, prudence and care 

Debrah_品职答疑助手 · 2020年11月27日


Debrah_品职答疑助手 · 2020年11月24日



之所以选择A,是因为18个月之后,Brown很少进行交易,且持续期超过一年。说明PlusAccount已经不适合Brown,但是Klein依然把他放在PlusAccount里。这违反了III(C)suitability。由于III(A)是第三条准则的总纲领,只要违反第三条准则中的任意一条,都会违反III(A)。所以本题violate III(A):Loyalty, prudence and care 


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NO.PZ201604030300004405 助教说只要只要违反第三条准则中的任意一条,都会违反III(A),所以本题violate III(A):Loyalty, prunancare。不记得何老师上课有过这种说法啊?只要违反任意一条准则中的某一条,就同时违反了这条准则的A条?这种理解方式是对的吗?

2021-09-29 20:48 1 · 回答


2020-10-31 16:25 2 · 回答

这题感觉有点牵强啊,如果说他没有lligent 调研发现客户已经不适合该基金,那也可以说他在communicaiton的时候没有告诉客户这个事儿 这不算违法communication with Clients 吗??

2020-09-28 05:06 1 · 回答

ligenanreasonable basis. communication with clients anprospective clients. C is correct. In the months following Brown’s change in financistatus, Klein is least likely to violate StanrV(relating to communication with clients because he sclosethe basic formanother pertinent information regarng PlusAccounts anhe stinguishebetween faanopinions. ring the time perio Klein es not make any new recommentions to Brown anthus is least likely to violate the Stanrrelating to Communication with Clients anProspective Clients. ring the perio Klein is in jeopar of violating severother stanr inclung those relating to Loyalty, Prunce, anCare; Suitability; anligenanReasonable Basis. Because of the fee structure, PlusAccount status is not suitable for a client who tras infrequently. Klein neglects his ty of loyalty, prunce, ancare maintaining the PlusAccount Status for more thone yeafter Brown’s change in trang activity. A ligent review of the account woulincate whether a client ha reasonable basis for maintaining PlusAccount status. Thus, Klein is most likely to violate Stanr III(A), III(C), anV (ring the perioin question. A不懂,忠诚度跟这个有啥关系

2020-05-16 23:24 1 · 回答