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圣灵霜子 · 2020年11月20日

问一道题:NO.PZ201604030300004904 第4小题 [ CFA III ]

* 问题详情,请 查看题干


4. Are the performance reporting procedures described by the fund’s administrator consistent with the required disclosure standards of the Asset Manager Code?





No, because the AMC requires firms to report performance to all clients on a monthly basis.


No, because the AMC requires firms to provide performance on a monthly basis when requested by clients.


A is correct.

The performance reporting procedures described by the administrator are consistent with the Asset Manager Code (AMC) which requires disclosing the "performance of clients’ investments on a regular and timely basis." The AMC recommends that "managers should report to clients at least quarterly, and when possible, such reporting should be provided within 30 days after the end of the quarter." The AMC also states that "at a minimum, Managers should provide clients with gross- and net-of¬fees returns." Because quarterly reporting is the recommended minimum, managers may choose to provide more timely performance to clients.

答案里说 要求gross of fee和net of fee都要披露(and) 但我记得GIPS里说的是披露一个就可以呀?需要两个都披露吗?
2 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2020年11月22日

好的谢谢 请问下GIPS是任选其一披露对吧

是的,在GIPS里,只需要披露一个即可。如果选择net of fees,那么我们还要披露剔除了哪些fee

王暄_品职助教 · 2020年11月21日





圣灵霜子 · 2020年11月21日

好的谢谢 请问下GIPS是任选其一披露对吧

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  • 656


NO.PZ201604030300004904 问题如下 4. Are the performanreporting proceres scribethe funs ainistrator consistent with the requiresclosure stanr of the Asset Manager Co? A.Yes. B.No, because the AMC requires firms to report performanto all clients on a monthly basis. C.No, because the AMC requires firms to provi performanon a monthly basis when requesteclients. A is correct.The performanreporting proceres scribethe ainistrator are consistent with the Asset Manager Co (AMwhirequires sclosing the \"performanof clients’ investments on a regulantimely basis.\" The AMC recommen th\"managers shoulreport to clients least quarterly, anwhen possible, sureporting shoulproviwithin 30 ys after the enof the quarter.\" The AMC also states th\"a minimum, Managers shoulprovi clients with gross- annet-of¬fees returns.\" Because quarterly reporting is the recommenminimum, managers mchoose to provi more timely performanto clients. 关于客户投资账户业绩表现的披露,AMC规定通常是指少每季度披露一次。即使客户要求每月披露一次,基金经理也可以直接拒绝?准则原文不是说除非客户明确说明了,否则就是指少每季度披露一次么?客户明确要求了月度披露,不提供也不违反准则要求么?

2024-05-15 16:49 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201604030300004904 管他客户提多久批露一次,哪怕是一天一批露,我们按照AMC要求每季度且在季度末30天内批露就OK不违反AMC,是吗?

2021-11-21 18:52 2 · 回答

NO.PZ201604030300004904 不好意思 这题我完全搞不懂,ain说客户over require,意思quarterly 就可以了 答案又说least quarterly 客户要求 monthly 也是对的。 问题又是Ain做法是不是对。。这不是文不对题吗???所以到底是什么。

2021-05-22 16:49 1 · 回答