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齐王木木 · 2020年11月20日


Corix Bioscience is a startup company seeking to begin operations manufacturing and selling cannabidiol

(CBD) products. To promote the company, Corix hires Harrelson, an independent research analyst, to

write and distribute a research report on the company. Corix informs Harrelson that it has a joint venture

with Native American tribes, enabling the company to access tribal lands for farming commercial hemp

and cannabis and to sell hemp and cannabis products in retail outlets on tribal lands. Corix also tells

Harrelson that the company has obtained a certificate of compliance from regulators that allows the

company to transport, process, and export industrial hemp products. Finally, Corix discloses to Harrelson

that the prior year’s harvest of hemp surpassed expectations in both quality and quantity, resulting in a

substantial inventory of product. Based on these statements by the company, Harrelson includes all of

this information in a research report and provides a positive analysis of the company.

In reality, Corix does not have agreements with Native American tribes; the company did not seek or

obtain regulatory approval; the certificate of compliance is a forgery; and Corix never cultivated, planted, or

harvested significant quantities of industrial hemp. Chong, a research analyst at Natures Harvest Investment

Management (NHIM), incorporates the information and conclusions from Harrelson’s research report as part

of his own internal research on Corix and includes a “buy” recommendation. Chong’s report is distributed

to only portfolio managers at NHIM. Broadus, a NHIM portfolio manager, reviews Chong’s research and

purchases substantial holdings in Corix for a number of his clients. Corix is ultimately shown to be a sham

operation, leading to substantial losses for Broadus’s clients.

2 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2020年11月25日

首先本题的根源是Corix撒了谎,然后作为一个独立的分析师Harrelson相信了Corix,写出了一篇positive analysis给自己的客户。

然后Chong作为NHIM的内部分析师,读了Harrelson的report,直接就给Broadus提出建议买,这里Brodus作为portfolio manager是没错的,因为他作为公司的人,可以完全相信自己公司内部的分析师,直接买入。如果一个manager,连自己公司内部分析师的建议都要再去确保真实性,那manager的工作量太大了。

如果说这里Broadus是拿来外面人写的报告,然后直接去买,那么就违反了due deligence这条,但拿着自己伙伴给的建议去帮客户做交易没问题。

王暄_品职助教 · 2020年11月21日


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