In terms of financial and operating characteristics, company A and company B are very similar. However, company A has more publicly traded debt outstanding than company B. The market liquidity risk for the debt of the company A is:
A.equal to that of company B.
B.higher than that of company B.
C.lower than that of company B.
C is correct.
Based on definition, market liquidity risk is the risk that the price at which investors can actually transact may differ from the price indicated in the market. There are two main issuer-specific factors that affect market liquidity risk: the size of the issuer and the credit quality of the issuer. More debt outstanding will decrease the market liquidity risk.
是不是 market liquidity 对于有很多 bond 在外的公司来说,当公司破产清算的时候,这些 bond 的流动性比公司的其他固定资产要好,可以更快速的变现还债?