NO.PZ201511190100000406问题如下 Patel’s comment in his risk toleranquestionnaire regarng the Private Wealth Investment Committee fails to recognize whibias?A.Sociproof.B.Confirmation bias.C.Gambler’s fallacy.A is correct.Sociproof is a belief in whiinvials are biaseto follow the beliefs of a group. The structure of Garnier’s Private Wealth Investment Committee incates ththey msusceptible to a sociproof bias. The committee meets to scuss anbate easecurity anthen votes on whiwill approve Committee members mwrongly favor the jument of others, often without being fully aware ththey are ing so. The process of reaching a consensus will usually narrow the range of views. If a group cision process es not encourage private information helinvicommittee members to sharefully with others before a cision is ma, the cision mfail to combine the collective wism of the group. There is no evinththis committee encourages private information.备注这道题出的不太好,原版书给的答案A。Patel“一旦知道investment committee支持了某项投资,他的风险容忍程度会显著提高”,这句话既反映的是confirmation bias。sociproof和herng是同义词,羊群效应,是一种从众的行为。Gambler's fallacy是赌徒谬误,比如连续五次抛出硬币的正面,认为第六次抛出硬币反面的概率非常高,但事实上,抛出反面的概率仍为50%,Patel没有这样的表现。不用纠结。解析是想说confirmation和sociproof和herng是同一个意思,还是后两者是同一个意思但和第一个无关?
NO.PZ201511190100000406问题如下Patel’s comment in his risk toleranquestionnaire regarng the Private Wealth Investment Committee fails to recognize whibias?A.Sociproof.B.Confirmation bias.C.Gambler’s fallacy.A is correct.Sociproof is a belief in whiinvials are biaseto follow the beliefs of a group. The structure of Garnier’s Private Wealth Investment Committee incates ththey msusceptible to a sociproof bias. The committee meets to scuss anbate easecurity anthen votes on whiwill approve Committee members mwrongly favor the jument of others, often without being fully aware ththey are ing so. The process of reaching a consensus will usually narrow the range of views. If a group cision process es not encourage private information helinvicommittee members to sharefully with others before a cision is ma, the cision mfail to combine the collective wism of the group. There is no evinththis committee encourages private information.备注这道题出的不太好,原版书给的答案A。Patel“一旦知道investment committee支持了某项投资,他的风险容忍程度会显著提高”,这句话既反映的是confirmation bias。sociproof和herng是同义词,羊群效应,是一种从众的行为。Gambler's fallacy是赌徒谬误,比如连续五次抛出硬币的正面,认为第六次抛出硬币反面的概率非常高,但事实上,抛出反面的概率仍为50%,Patel没有这样的表现。不用纠结。这道题我以为是选择没有体现出的偏差。那从委员会确实是sociproof ,从个人确实是confirmation 。那没有体现出的却是赌徒效应啊。看了其他的问题讲解,那是不是以后不管看到啥样的背景,不管三七二十一,只要是投资委员会,就是sociproof?题目的背景说的是,只要投委会认定,投资者的风险容忍度就会提高,那应该问是存在什么样的偏差?这当时是sociproof。那什么叫存在偏差,还没识别?这是啥逻辑?照这样,无论识别不识别的出,那都是sociproof啊,那题目fail有啥意义?
NO.PZ201511190100000406 问题如下 Patel’s comment in his risk toleranquestionnaire regarng the Private Wealth Investment Committee fails to recognize whibias? A.Sociproof. B.Confirmation bias. C.Gambler’s fallacy. A is correct.Sociproof is a belief in whiinvials are biaseto follow the beliefs of a group. The structure of Garnier’s Private Wealth Investment Committee incates ththey msusceptible to a sociproof bias. The committee meets to scuss anbate easecurity anthen votes on whiwill approve Committee members mwrongly favor the jument of others, often without being fully aware ththey are ing so. The process of reaching a consensus will usually narrow the range of views. If a group cision process es not encourage private information helinvicommittee members to sharefully with others before a cision is ma, the cision mfail to combine the collective wism of the group. There is no evinththis committee encourages private information.备注这道题出的不太好,原版书给的答案A。Patel“一旦知道investment committee支持了某项投资,他的风险容忍程度会显著提高”,这句话既反映的是confirmation bias。sociproof和herng是同义词,羊群效应,是一种从众的行为。Gambler's fallacy是赌徒谬误,比如连续五次抛出硬币的正面,认为第六次抛出硬币反面的概率非常高,但事实上,抛出反面的概率仍为50%,Patel没有这样的表现。不用纠结。 备注这道题出的不太好,原版书给的答案A。Patel“一旦知道investment committee支持了某项投资,他的风险容忍程度会显著提高”,这句话既反映的是confirmation bias。sociproof和herng是同义词,羊群效应,是一种从众的行为。Gambler's fallacy是赌徒谬误,比如连续五次抛出硬币的正面,认为第六次抛出硬币反面的概率非常高,但事实上,抛出反面的概率仍为50%,Patel没有这样的表现。不用纠结。老师1。可以翻译下题目吗?是说他最可能有的但是被他fail(忽视)了的bias吗?题目中有依据话反应了confirmation bias,但是其他这个都没有出现,为什么不选B啊?
NO.PZ201511190100000406 问题如下 Patel’s comment in his risk toleranquestionnaire regarng the Private Wealth Investment Committee fails to recognize whibias? A.Sociproof. B.Confirmation bias. C.Gambler’s fallacy. A is correct.Sociproof is a belief in whiinvials are biaseto follow the beliefs of a group. The structure of Garnier’s Private Wealth Investment Committee incates ththey msusceptible to a sociproof bias. The committee meets to scuss anbate easecurity anthen votes on whiwill approve Committee members mwrongly favor the jument of others, often without being fully aware ththey are ing so. The process of reaching a consensus will usually narrow the range of views. If a group cision process es not encourage private information helinvicommittee members to sharefully with others before a cision is ma, the cision mfail to combine the collective wism of the group. There is no evinththis committee encourages private information.备注这道题出的不太好,原版书给的答案A。Patel“一旦知道investment committee支持了某项投资,他的风险容忍程度会显著提高”,这句话既反映的是confirmation bias。sociproof和herng是同义词,羊群效应,是一种从众的行为。Gambler's fallacy是赌徒谬误,比如连续五次抛出硬币的正面,认为第六次抛出硬币反面的概率非常高,但事实上,抛出反面的概率仍为50%,Patel没有这样的表现。不用纠结。 sociproof confirmation bias都是委员会会犯的错。只有赌徒谬误不会,所以选C。
NO.PZ201511190100000406 Confirmation bias. Gambler’s fallacy. A is correct. Sociproof is a belief in whiinvials are biaseto follow the beliefs of a group. The structure of Garnier’s Private Wealth Investment Committee incates ththey msusceptible to a sociproof bias. The committee meets to scuss anbate easecurity anthen votes on whiwill approve Committee members mwrongly favor the jument of others, often without being fully aware ththey are ing so. The process of reaching a consensus will usually narrow the range of views. If a group cision process es not encourage private information helinvicommittee members to sharefully with others before a cision is ma, the cision mfail to combine the collective wism of the group. There is no evinththis committee encourages private information. 备注这道题出的不太好,原版书给的答案A。Patel“一旦知道investment committee支持了某项投资,他的风险容忍程度会显著提高”,这句话既反映的是confirmation bias。sociproof和herng是同义词,羊群效应,是一种从众的行为。Gambler's fallacy是赌徒谬误,比如连续五次抛出硬币的正面,认为第六次抛出硬币反面的概率非常高,但事实上,抛出反面的概率仍为50%,Patel没有这样的表现。不用纠结。为什么这两道题一道答案是confirmation bi一道是sociproof?两道题在题干中叙述几乎是一样的啊,都说只要是专业的投资团队认同这个投资那么这个invial的risk toleran就会提升。难道两个题答案不都应该是confirmation bias么?还有想请问q6与q5在题干里哪里叙述的不同以至于q6不选confirmation bias而选sociproof?