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SUN · 2020年11月03日

social bias官网题

  1. Spending more time analyzing prior committee decisions
  2. Structuring the committee to ensure a higher level of common skills and experiences
  3. Requesting stated opinions from members prior to any formal committee discussion 

答案认为第二项无法避免social bias


Decision makers are most likely to learn to control harmful behavioral biases when they have repeated attempts at decision making and there is good quality feedback on prior outcomes. The investment committee chair should actively encourage alternative opinions so that all perspectives are covered.

Asking for individual views prior to discussion can help mitigate the impact of group thinking.


Prior committee decisions were previously discussed and debated, and as a result, individuals may moderate their own views to fit in with the prior consensus or may feel pressure to agree with views expressed previously by powerful individuals on the committee.

那prior committee decsions到底是能减少social bias吗?

2 个答案

王琛_品职助教 · 2020年11月05日

> 所有的英文句子都是case答案里的,中文的+中文里面的英文单词是我写的

- 我查了一下,这道题是 MOCK 题: 2019-A-PM-12;经典题中也有,是 P37 的 3.2 题
- 但是我看 MOCK 的解析,没有你最后加的那句话
- 如果你是问 Recommendation 1, 即 "Spending more time analyzing prior committee decisions", 是 effective 的,以史为鉴,分析一下过去做的好的和不好的决定

- 题目问的是 "least likely to be effective",所以不选 Recommendation 1

SUN · 2020年11月05日


王琛_品职助教 · 2020年11月04日

- 你发上来的,是加入了你自己理解的题目
- 建议把原题发上来,方便彼此交流讨论

SUN · 2020年11月05日


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