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JSu · 2020年11月02日

问一道题:NO.PZ2019100901000001 [ CFA III ]


William Azarov is a portfolio manager for Westcome Investments, an asset management firm. Azarov is preparing for meetings with two of Westcome’s clients and obtains the help of Jason Boulder, a junior analyst. The first meeting is with Maglav Inc., a rapidly growing US-based technology firm with a young workforce and high employee turnover. Azarov directs Boulder to review the details of Maglav’s defined benefit (DB) pension plan. The plan is overfunded and has assets under management of $25 million. Boulder makes the following two observations:

Observation 1 Maglav’s shareholders benefit from the plan’s overfunded status.

Observation 2 The funded ratio of Maglav’s plan will decrease if employee turnover decreases.

Which of Boulder’s observations regarding Maglav’s pension plan is correct?



Only Observation 1


Only Observation 2


Both Observation 1 and Observation 2


C is correct.

Both observations are correct. For a corporate defined benefit plan, Maglav’s shareholders are stakeholders. These stakeholders are interested in the sustainability of the pension plan, and the overfunded status is an asset on the balance sheet, potentially increasing the value of Maglav’s stock. The overfunded status also allows management to potentially lower employer contributions to the plan and increase net income. It also lowers financial risk, which may reduce volatility in the stock price. In addition, decreasing employee turnover will increase plan liabilities and worsen the funded ratio. With high turnover, fewer workers will be vested and entitled to defined benefit payments. Conversely, if employee turnover decreases, expected vesting will increase, leading to higher plan liabilities and a lower funded ratio.

第2句话没太理解   turnover高的话 应该员工能拿到pension的将减少吧?那么应该PL增加 funded ratio下降吧?

2 个答案

lynn_品职助教 · 2022年12月22日


对 同学说的有道理哈,但如果题目只讲到了turnover 下降这一条件,其他没提及是默认其他不变的,这样我们才能处理题目。


发亮_品职助教 · 2020年11月04日


“第2句话没太理解   turnover高的话 应该员工能拿到pension的将减少吧?”


因为我们DB Fund,一般有一个Minimum service year,只有员工工作达到这个最低服务年限之后,我们说员工才有资格参与DB Fund。

那如果员工Turnover高,代表员工离职率高,可能有很多员工还没有达到这个最低年限要求就已经离职了,所以他们离职时,他们对应的DB Fund Liability就等于说作废了。于是就降低了公司的Pension liability。

注意,第二句说的是,员工的Turnover decreases,也就是员工的离职率降低。和离职率高的情况相比,如果员工的离职率降低,Pension liability是上升的,因为有更多的员工满足Minimum service year的要求,也就是说更多员工的养老金生效了,因此会导致Pension liability上升,进而会导致Funded ratio下降。

Observation 2 The funded ratio of Maglav’s plan will decrease if employee turnover decreases.


胖丁 · 2022年12月20日

老师 那如果持续make contribution 或者 asset 远大于liability的时候, funded ratio 未必一定会增加呀, 只能说turnover下降的话 可能会增加 但是funded ratio取决的因素应该很多