开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


FrankSun · 2020年11月02日


Q. Kazuya Kato, CFA, is a widely followed economist at a global investment bank. When Kato opines on economic trends, markets react by moving stock valuations considerably. When Kato receives information of a temporary oversupply of rare earth metals, he issues a forecast that price trends for rare earth metals will be down significantly on a long-term basis. Kato also secretly sells his report to a widely followed Internet site. Prior to issuing this forecast, Kato emailed all portfolio managers at his bank with a copy of his report indicating that his opinion would be reversed shortly so there will be trading opportunities. Kato least likely violated which of the following CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct?

  1. Market Manipulation.
  2. Priority of Transactions.
  3. Additional Compensation Arrangements.

B is correct because Kato exaggerated the potential for negative price movement with rare earth metals and violated Standard II(B)–Market Manipulation by aiming to profit on the volatility created by his actions. Standard II(B) requires that members and candidates uphold market integrity by prohibiting market manipulation. Market manipulation includes the dissemination of false or misleading information and transactions that deceive or would be likely to mislead market participants by distorting the price-setting mechanism of financial instruments. Standard IV(B)–Additional Compensation Arrangements was violated when he sold his report to the internet site. Standard VI(B)–Priority of Transactions has not been violated as it relates to investment transactions for clients and employers having priority over Member or Candidate transactions.

2 个答案

Debrah_品职答疑助手 · 2020年11月09日

C选项:根据准则的要求:No gifts, benefits, compensation or consideration are to be accepted which may create a conflict of interest with the employer’s interest unless written consent is received from all parties.

而题干中说的是Kato also secretly sells his report to a widely followed Internet site. 他是秘密地把reort卖给了网站,肯定是没有征得雇主的书面同意,所以违反。

Debrah_品职答疑助手 · 2020年11月02日


对啊,B没有违反。因为他在卖给网站的时候,已经给all portfolio managers at his bank发了报告,所以不违反B。


FrankSun · 2020年11月09日


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