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tongtonggong · 2020年10月20日

问一道题:NO.PZ2015121810000003 [ CFA II ]


Assume that the following one-factor model describes the expected return for portfolios:


Also assume that all investors agree on the expected returns and factor sensitivity of the three highly diversified Portfolios A, B, and C given in the following table:

Assuming the one-factor model is correct and based on the data provided for Portfolios A, B, and C, determine if an arbitrage opportunity exists and explain how it might be exploited.


According to the one-factor model for expected returns, the portfolio should have these expected returns if they are correctly priced in terms of their risk:

Portfolio A

E(RA) = 0.10 + 0.12βA,1 = 0.10 + (0.12)(0.80) = 0.10 + 0.10 = 0.20

Portfolio B

E(RB) = 0.10 + 0.12βB,1 = 0.10 + (0.12)(1.00) = 0.10 + 0.12 = 0.22

Portfolio C

E(RC) = 0.10 + 0.12βC,1 = 0.10 + (0.12)(1.20) = 0.10 + 0.14 = 0.24

In the table below, the column for expected return shows that Portfolios A and C are correctly priced but Portfolio B offers too little expected return for its risk, 0.15 or 15%. By shorting Portfolio B (selling an overvalued portfolio) and using the proceeds to buy a portfolio 50% invested in A and 50% invested in C with a sensitivity of 1 that matches the sensitivity of B, for each monetary unit shorted (say each euro), an arbitrage profit of 0.22 -0.15 = 0.07 is earned.

有点不是很理解,buy A+C花了 0.22,sell 掉B 赚了0.15,那不是亏了0.07 吗?
1 个答案

星星_品职助教 · 2020年10月20日



1. 从收益率的角度来理解:buy 0.5A+0.5C是因为买了这个组合所以获得了0.22的收益率,而sell B相当于放弃了0.15的收益率。所以赚的收益率是0.22-0.15=0.07

2. 从价格的角度来理解:0.22和0.15的return同时也是折现率的概念,由于所有的金融产品定价都是折现求和,所以return(折现率)越高,对应价格越低。

所以卖出的0.15(sell B)对应的价格高,卖空所获得的资金就多;而得到的0.22(0.5A+0.5C)对应的价格低,付出的购买资金就少。这一收一支对应的价差就是Arbitrage profit。