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leozhenlin · 2020年10月19日



After leaving his employer, Smith establishes his own investment company. Smith offers a $21,000 reward to any consultant who has joined his company with an investment of at least $300,000. Smith released opening information on some career search websites and industry portals. According to Code and Standards, which of the following statements is most likely correct?



Since Smith's incentive offer violates the Code and Standards, no member or candidate may accept the appointment of a new company.


If a member or candidate can arrange enough existing customers to switch to a new company and the member or candidate publishes the incentive fee, that member or candidate can accept the appointment and awards.


A member or candidate may not accept the new appointment unless he is currently unemployed because it is forbidden to solicit the clients of the member’s current employer.


C is correct.

Standard IV(A) - Loyalty discusses the activities that members and candidates can do after leaving their current employer. It is strictly prohibited from soliciting clients.


1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2020年10月20日


A. Smith的offer违反了准则,任何CFA会员或持证人都不可以接受。

  • 这是不对的,当今已经属于商业社会,带金进公司是很正常的现象,Smith没有违反准则,而且一个没有工作的CFA会员或持证人也可以选择带金如公司。

B. 如果CFA会员或持证人可以带着现有客户来到这个新公司,并且披露介绍费,那么他可以解释这个职位和奖励

  • 不可以,因为还没离职的时候不可以勾引原雇主的客户。


  • 这条正确


  • 1

  • 1

  • 651


NO.PZ2018062009000027 问题如下 After leaving his employer, Smith establishes his own investment company. Smith offers a $21,000 rewarto any consultant who hjoinehis company with investment of least $300,000. Smith releaseopening information on some career searwebsites aninstry portals. Accorng to Co anStanr, whiof the following statements is most likely correct? A.SinSmith's incentive offer violates the Co anStanr, no member or cante maccept the appointment of a new company. B.If a member or cante carrange enough existing customers to switto a new company anthe member or cante publishes the incentive fee, thmember or cante caccept the appointment anawar. C.A member or cante mnot accept the new appointment unless he is currently unemployebecause it is forbien to solicit the clients of the member’s current employer. C is correct.StanrIV(- Loyalty scusses the activities thmembers ancantes c after leaving their current employer. It is strictly prohibitefrom soliciting clients.准则IV(A)忠诚这条讨论了CFA会员在离职后不可以做的事,尤其禁止勾引前雇主的客户。 她把相关信息放在网上,这个怎么勾引以前的客户了?压根没联系啊

2022-12-18 09:12 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062009000027问题如下After leaving his employer, Smith establishes his own investment company. Smith offers a $21,000 rewarto any consultant who hjoinehis company with investment of least $300,000. Smith releaseopening information on some career searwebsites aninstry portals. Accorng to Co anStanr, whiof the following statements is most likely correct? A.SinSmith's incentive offer violates the Co anStanr, no member or cante maccept the appointment of a new company. B.If a member or cante carrange enough existing customers to switto a new company anthe member or cante publishes the incentive fee, thmember or cante caccept the appointment anawar. C.A member or cante mnot accept the new appointment unless he is currently unemployebecause it is forbien to solicit the clients of the member’s current employer. C is correct.StanrIV(- Loyalty scusses the activities thmembers ancantes c after leaving their current employer. It is strictly prohibitefrom soliciting clients.准则IV(A)忠诚这条讨论了CFA会员在离职后不可以做的事,尤其禁止勾引前雇主的客户。 我觉得就是充分披露啊反观c,我在职想找新工作无可厚非,不可能cfa持证人都是裸辞的吧?我投资的资金可以自带资金进组的不是吗。另外离职的投资人哪里能带客户资金进组?这题c狠奇怪

2022-04-06 21:08 1 · 回答


2019-03-31 13:56 1 · 回答