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还是星宇好 · 2020年10月19日



A three-year credit-linked note (CLN) with underlying company Z has a LIBOR+60bp semiannual coupon. The face value of the CLN is USD 100. LIBOR is 5% for all maturities. The current three-year CDS spread for company Z is 90bp. The fair value of the CLN is closest to



USD 100.00


USD 111.05


USD 101.65


USD 99.19



Because the current CDS spread is greater than the coupon, the CLN must be selling at a discount. The only solution is d. More precisely, we can use the spread duration from Equation: V=(PV Payoff)s(PV Spread)=(t=1Tkt(1f)PVt)s(t=1TSt1PVt)V={(\text{PV Payoff})}-s(\text{PV Spread})={(\sum_{t=1}^Tk_t{(1-f)}{\text{PV}}_t)}-s{(\sum_{t=1}^TS_{t-1}{\text{PV}}_t)}, which is the sum of the present value factor over three years. Assuming a flat term structure,this is PVt=0.952+0.907+0.864=2.72\sum PV_t=0.952+0.907+0.864=2.72 years. Multiplying by (90-60) = 30bp gives a fall of 0.81%,which gives $99.19.

老师第二个思路,不是很看得懂,感觉上他的思路是用CDS定价推到出来的价格,为什么直接求duration 在乘以 spread的差,没感觉出来这一步和公式有什么关系

1 个答案

小刘_品职助教 · 2020年10月19日


是用利差分别进行折现,感觉跟这个公式确实没特别大的关系,这段spread durtaion 是在用无风险因子进行折现后汇总0.952+0.907+0.864=2.72 years。感觉有点给这段折现一个定义的意思。


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NO.PZ2016082406000073 A three-yecret-linkenote (CLN) with unrlying company Z ha LIBOR+60semiannucoupon. The favalue of the CLN is US100. LIBOR is 5% for all maturities. The current three-yeC sprefor company Z is 90bp. The fair value of the CLN is closest to US100.00 US111.05 US101.65 US99.19 ANSWER: Because the current C spreis greater ththe coupon, the CLN must selling a scount. The only solution is More precisely, we cuse the spreration from Equation: V=(PV Payoff)−s(PV Sprea=(∑t=1Tkt(1−f)PVt)−s(∑t=1TSt−1PVt)V={(\text{PV Payoff})}-s(\text{PV Sprea)={(\sum_{t=1}^Tk_t{(1-f)}{\text{PV}}_t)}-s{(\sum_{t=1}^TS_{t-1}{\text{PV}}_t)}V=(PV Payoff)−s(PV Sprea=(∑t=1T​kt​(1−f)PVt​)−s(∑t=1T​St−1​PVt​), whiis the sum of the present value factor over three years. Assuming a flterm structure,this is ∑PVt=0.952+0.907+0.864=2.72\sum PV_t=0.952+0.907+0.864=2.72∑PVt​=0.952+0.907+0.864=2.72 years. Multiplying (90-60) = 30gives a fall of 0.81%,whigives $99.19. 这题到底要怎么做?完全无法理解,请老师讲的更基础些。 我看之前老师说将CLN当作一个boncoupon就是5.6%,但是c sprea5.9%。 然后我就不知道怎么做了

2021-04-07 00:01 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016082406000073 A three-yecret-linkenote (CLN) with unrlying company Z ha LIBOR+60semiannucoupon. The favalue of the CLN is US100. LIBOR is 5% for all maturities. The current three-yeC sprefor company Z is 90bp. The fair value of the CLN is closest to US100.00 US111.05 US101.65 US99.19 ANSWER: Because the current C spreis greater ththe coupon, the CLN must selling a scount. The only solution is More precisely, we cuse the spreration from Equation: V=(PV Payoff)−s(PV Sprea=(∑t=1Tkt(1−f)PVt)−s(∑t=1TSt−1PVt)V={(\text{PV Payoff})}-s(\text{PV Sprea)={(\sum_{t=1}^Tk_t{(1-f)}{\text{PV}}_t)}-s{(\sum_{t=1}^TS_{t-1}{\text{PV}}_t)}V=(PV Payoff)−s(PV Sprea=(∑t=1T​kt​(1−f)PVt​)−s(∑t=1T​St−1​PVt​), whiis the sum of the present value factor over three years. Assuming a flterm structure,this is ∑PVt=0.952+0.907+0.864=2.72\sum PV_t=0.952+0.907+0.864=2.72∑PVt​=0.952+0.907+0.864=2.72 years. Multiplying (90-60) = 30gives a fall of 0.81%,whigives $99.19. 就是答案说应该拿来折现的利率应该是C的利率,这是为啥呢。 .用来折现的利率不是应该拿市场利率也就是Libor的利率吗,即5%。为什么要用C一个金融产品的利率(而非市场利率)来折现呢。

2021-03-13 22:00 1 · 回答


2020-08-16 18:24 1 · 回答

A three-yecret-linkenote (CLN) with unrlying company Z ha LIBOR+60semiannucoupon. The favalue of the CLN is US100. LIBOR is 5% for all maturities. The current three-yeC sprefor company Z is 90bp. The fair value of the CLN is closest to US100.00 US111.05 US101.65 US99.19 ANSWER: Because the current C spreis greater ththe coupon, the CLN must selling a scount. The only solution is More precisely, we cuse the spreration from Equation: V=(PV Payoff)−s(PV Sprea=(∑t=1Tkt(1−f)PVt)−s(∑t=1TSt−1PVt)V={(\text{PV Payoff})}-s(\text{PV Sprea)={(\sum_{t=1}^Tk_t{(1-f)}{\text{PV}}_t)}-s{(\sum_{t=1}^TS_{t-1}{\text{PV}}_t)}V=(PV Payoff)−s(PV Sprea=(∑t=1T​kt​(1−f)PVt​)−s(∑t=1T​St−1​PVt​), whiis the sum of the present value factor over three years. Assuming a flterm structure,this is ∑PVt=0.952+0.907+0.864=2.72\sum PV_t=0.952+0.907+0.864=2.72∑PVt​=0.952+0.907+0.864=2.72 years. Multiplying (90-60) = 30gives a fall of 0.81%,whigives $99.19. 请问为什么C比coupon大,CLN就是折价的,谢谢

2020-04-04 11:49 1 · 回答