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zjcjrd · 2020年10月10日

问一道题:NO.PZ2016072602000017 [ FRM II ]


Which of the following statements regarding Basel II nonadvanced approaches is incorrect?



The standardized approach makes it advantageous for a bank to book losses early if doing so reduces this year’s gross income sufficiently to make it negative.


Corporate finance, trading and sales, and payment and settlement are the business lines with the highest regulatory capital requirements.


The standardized approach divides the bank into business lines and uses data from the last three years of a business line’s gross income and a beta factor to obtain the regulatory capital for that business line.


The standardized approach uses data from the last three years of gross income to obtain a bank’s operational risk capital charge.


A is correct. Statement a. is incorrect because only positive income is considered. Statement b. is correct, given Table 25.5. Statements c. and d. are correct as well.


5 个答案

袁园_品职助教 · 2020年10月18日


Basel 是regulator(监管机构)吧,regulator 要求你要求用这个公式来计算 capital,那你算出来就是 regulatory capital 啊~

袁园_品职助教 · 2020年10月17日


Basel 要求用这个公式来计算 capital,所以说这是个regulatory capital 没问题,不知道这样解释你能不能想通…

zjcjrd · 2020年10月18日


袁园_品职助教 · 2020年10月16日


我理解这是Basel 要求计算operational risk 的公式,所以计算出来是 regulatory capital

我不是很明白你说 “Risk capital requirement = economic capital 么?” 这个结论的依据是什么?

zjcjrd · 2020年10月17日

一般题目要求我们算的capital应该用来覆盖UL的部分,而UL=economic capital

袁园_品职助教 · 2020年10月13日


这个 K 就是 risk captital requirement,这里说regulatory capital 是没错的~

zjcjrd · 2020年10月15日

Risk capital requirement不是economic capital 么?如果是regulatory capital 是不是低估了

袁园_品职助教 · 2020年10月11日




zjcjrd · 2020年10月12日

我没写清楚,economic capital 和regular capo

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  • 563


NO.PZ2016072602000017问题如下 Whiof the following statements regarng Basel II nonaanceapproaches is incorrect? The stanrzeapproamakes it aantageous for a bank to book losses early if ing so reces this year’s gross income sufficiently to make it negative. Corporate finance, trang ansales, anpayment ansettlement are the business lines with the highest regulatory capitrequirements. The stanrzeapproavis the bank into business lines anuses ta from the last three years of a business line’s gross income ana beta factor to obtain the regulatory capitfor that business line. The stanrzeapproauses ta from the last three years of gross income to obtain a bank’s operationrisk capitcharge. A is correct. Statement is incorrebecause only positive income is consire Statement is correct, given Table 25.5. Statements an are correwell. 讲义的什么地方写了?

2022-04-12 11:59 1 · 回答

Whiof the following statements regarng Basel II nonaanceapproaches is incorrect? The stanrzeapproamakes it aantageous for a bank to book losses early if ing so reces this year’s gross income sufficiently to make it negative. Corporate finance, trang ansales, anpayment ansettlement are the business lines with the highest regulatory capitrequirements. The stanrzeapproavis the bank into business lines anuses ta from the last three years of a business line’s gross income ana beta factor to obtain the regulatory capitfor thbusiness line. The stanrzeapproauses ta from the last three years of gross income to obtain a bank’s operationrisk capitcharge. A is correct. Statement is incorrebecause only positive income is consire Statement is correct, given Table 25.5. Statements an are correwell. 老师能帮忙翻译一下吗?

2021-01-25 23:20 1 · 回答

Whiof the following statements regarng Basel II nonaanceapproaches is incorrect? The stanrzeapproamakes it aantageous for a bank to book losses early if ing so reces this year’s gross income sufficiently to make it negative. Corporate finance, trang ansales, anpayment ansettlement are the business lines with the highest regulatory capitrequirements. The stanrzeapproavis the bank into business lines anuses ta from the last three years of a business line’s gross income ana beta factor to obtain the regulatory capitfor thbusiness line. The stanrzeapproauses ta from the last three years of gross income to obtain a bank’s operationrisk capitcharge. A is correct. Statement is incorrebecause only positive income is consire Statement is correct, given Table 25.5. Statements an are correwell. StanApproach是先加总再和0比还是每个业务条线先和0比完了后再加总?

2020-10-25 16:17 1 · 回答

Whiof the following statements regarng Basel II nonaanceapproaches is incorrect? The stanrzeapproamakes it aantageous for a bank to book losses early if ing so reces this year’s gross income sufficiently to make it negative. Corporate finance, trang ansales, anpayment ansettlement are the business lines with the highest regulatory capitrequirements. The stanrzeapproavis the bank into business lines anuses ta from the last three years of a business line’s gross income ana beta factor to obtain the regulatory capitfor thbusiness line. The stanrzeapproauses ta from the last three years of gross income to obtain a bank’s operationrisk capitcharge. A is correct. Statement is incorrebecause only positive income is consire Statement is correct, given Table 25.5. Statements an are correwell. 对吧?不是应该通过各条线单独的GI*β再加总吗?

2020-08-20 00:57 2 · 回答