The gain or loss on a sale of a long-lived asset to which the revaluation model has been applied is most likely calculated using sales proceeds less:
A.carrying amount.
B.carrying amount adjusted for impairment.
C.historical cost net of accumulated depreciation.
A is correct.
The gain or loss on the sale of long-lived assets is computed as the sales proceeds minus the carrying amount of the asset at the time of sale. This is true under the cost and revaluation models of reporting long-lived assets. In the absence of impairment losses, under the cost model, the carrying amount will equal historical cost net of accumulated depreciation.
两种模型之下都是The gain or loss on the sale of long-lived assets is computed as the sales proceeds minus the carrying amount of the asset at the time of sale. 只不过在 cost model 下 carrying amount 等于historical cost net of accumulated depreciation
就没有 B 那个 carrying amount 调整的 是这样吗?