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海伦岛主 · 2020年09月28日


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3. Which of Stephenson’s comment to her supervisor is correct?



Only Comment 1 is correct.


Only Comment 2 is correct.


Both Comment 1 and Comment 2 are correct.


C is correct. Comment 1 is correct because regulatory filings, in response to proposed regulations, often identify at least some of the unintended consequences prior to the implementation of the regulation. Comment 2 is correct because the cost of unintended consequences, including both indirect costs and unanticipated implementation costs, can be high.

考点 : Baisc Concepts of Cost-Benefit Analysis

解析 : 监管文件可以用来改善监管措施 , 它在一定程度上是可以识别部分监管措施带来的非故意而为的结果 。 如果发生非故意而为的结果 , 那么实行监管政策产生的非预期成本也会增加 。 所以两个评论的说法都是正确的 。

请问comment 1的结论是书中哪个知识点?没看到关于监管文件的内容

1 个答案

丹丹_品职答疑助手 · 2020年09月28日


同学你好,相关知识点可以参见原版书reading 12 basic concept of cost-benenfit analysis


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NO.PZ201710020100000203问题如下3. Whiof Stephenson’s comment to her supervisor is correct?A.Only Comment 1 is correct. B.Only Comment 2 is correct. C.Both Comment 1 anComment 2 are correct.C is correct. Comment 1 is correbecause regulatory filings, in response to proposeregulations, often intify least some of the unintenconsequences prior to the implementation of the regulation. Comment 2 is correbecause the cost of unintenconsequences, inclung both inrecosts anunanticipateimplementation costs, chigh.考点 Baisc Concepts of Cost-Benefit Analysis解析 监管文件可以用来改善监管措施 , 它在一定程度上是可以识别部分监管措施带来的非故意而为的结果 。 如果发生非故意而为的结果 , 那么实行监管政策产生的非预期成本也会增加 。 所以两个评论的说法都是正确的 。既然是uninten为什么还能提前intified

2023-03-04 22:21 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201710020100000203 Only Comment 2 is correct. Both Comment 1 anComment 2 are correct. C is correct. Comment 1 is correbecause regulatory filings, in response to proposeregulations, often intify least some of the unintenconsequences prior to the implementation of the regulation. Comment 2 is correbecause the cost of unintenconsequences, inclung both inrecosts anunanticipateimplementation costs, chigh. 考点 Baisc Concepts of Cost-Benefit Analysis 解析 监管文件可以用来改善监管措施 , 它在一定程度上是可以识别部分监管措施带来的非故意而为的结果 。 如果发生非故意而为的结果 , 那么实行监管政策产生的非预期成本也会增加 。 所以两个评论的说法都是正确的 。 为什么unanticipatecost是intifieprior to new regulations implementation?为什么不是after implementation?

2022-03-28 23:51 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201710020100000203 “监管文件可以用来改善监管措施 , 它在一定程度上是可以识别部分监管措施带来的非故意而为的结果 。”这句话要怎么理解呢?监管文件怎么可以用来改善监管措施?

2021-03-01 23:15 1 · 回答

uninten和 unanticipate是一个意思吗?inrecost不是既包括可预期的也包括不可预期的么?comment 2说 because unintenconsequences 是不是不全面?

2020-02-04 21:35 1 · 回答