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葛文君 · 2020年09月14日

问一道题:NO.PZ2020011303000217 [ FRM I ]


Why is yield-based convexity likely to be greater than yield-based duration for a ten-year bond (assume that rates are expressed with continuous compounding)?


Yield-based convexity is calculated by squaring each cash flows time to maturity and then taking a weighted average with weights proportional to the present values of the cash flows. Yield-based duration is a weighted average of the time to maturity of cash flows with the same weights. For a ten-year bond, the former is clearly greater than the later because, for nearly all the cash flows, the square of the time to payment is greater than the time to payment.

1 个答案

品职答疑小助手雍 · 2020年09月14日







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NO.PZ2020011303000217问题如下 Why is yielbaseconvexity likely to greater thyielbaseration for a ten-yebon(assume thrates are expressewith continuous compounng)? Yielbaseconvexity is calculatesquaring eacash flow’s time to maturity anthen taking a weighteaverage with weights proportionto the present values of the cash flows. Yielbaseration is a weighteaverage of the time to maturity of cash flows with the same weights. For a ten-yebon the former is clearly greater ththe later because, for nearly all the cash flows, the square of the time to payment is greater ththe time to payment. 题目问为什么对于10年期的债券,convexity会大于ration?(假设连续复利)convexity等于每个现金流占PV的比例,乘它本身离当前时间的平方。ration等于每个现金流占PV的比例,乘它本身离当前时间。离到期时间的平方一定比离到期的时间数值大,所以convexity的数值大于ration。 凸性等于它本身到时间的平方,为什么

2023-04-24 21:15 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2020011303000217 问题如下 Why is yielbaseconvexity likely to greater thyielbaseration for a ten-yebon(assume thrates are expressewith continuous compounng)? Yielbaseconvexity is calculatesquaring eacash flow’s time to maturity anthen taking a weighteaverage with weights proportionto the present values of the cash flows. Yielbaseration is a weighteaverage of the time to maturity of cash flows with the same weights. For a ten-yebon the former is clearly greater ththe later because, for nearly all the cash flows, the square of the time to payment is greater ththe time to payment. 为什么convexity是离到期时间的平方?讲义哪里讲过?

2022-07-02 10:44 1 · 回答