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金融民工阿聪 · 2020年09月05日



Basel II. 5 introduced the incremental risk charge (IRC) to further mitigate regulatory arbitrage. Chandler thinks that the incremental risk charge(IRC) recognizes the expected shortfall risk, because the amount of loss potential in the tail is important. Is he right?



Yes, he's right, and interest rate risk can also be recognized by IRC, because if the interest rate goes down, it means a huge loss for the bank.


No, he's wrong. It should be jump-to-default risk, because once a default happens, the bank will have an immediate and severe loss.


No, he's wrong. It should be exchange rate risk, because the uncertainty of exchange rate will have an impact on the bank.


Yes, he's right.


B is correct.

考点:the incremental risk charge


IRC识别的两种风险类型分别为:(1)credit spread risk; (2) jump-to-default risk. 

loss potential risk和jump to default risk说的不是一个意思吗

1 个答案

品职答疑小助手雍 · 2020年09月06日


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NO.PZ2019070901000100 问题如下 Basel II. 5 introcethe incrementrisk charge (IRto further mitigate regulatory arbitrage. Chaner thinks ththe incrementrisk charge(IRrecognizes the expecteshortfall risk, because the amount of loss potentiin the tail is important. Is he right? A.Yes, he's right, aninterest rate risk calso recognizeIRbecause if the interest rate goes wn, it means a huge loss for the bank. B.No, he's wrong. It shouljump-to-fault risk, because ona fault happens, the bank will have immeate ansevere loss. C.No, he's wrong. It shoulexchange rate risk, because the uncertainty of exchange rate will have impaon the bank. Yes, he's right. B is correct. 考点the incrementrisk charge解析IRC识别的两种风险类型分别为(1)cret sprerisk; (2) jump-to-fault risk. 这里expecteshortfall risk没说是啥风险类型risk? 是Market risk? 另外,在funmentreview of trang book里面说,在计算market risk capitcharge时用expecteshortfall代替stresseVaR,这知识点与本题有关吗?

2023-10-02 19:30 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019070901000100 问题如下 Basel II. 5 introcethe incrementrisk charge (IRto further mitigate regulatory arbitrage. Chaner thinks ththe incrementrisk charge(IRrecognizes the expecteshortfall risk, because the amount of loss potentiin the tail is important. Is he right? A.Yes, he's right, aninterest rate risk calso recognizeIRbecause if the interest rate goes wn, it means a huge loss for the bank. B.No, he's wrong. It shouljump-to-fault risk, because ona fault happens, the bank will have immeate ansevere loss. C.No, he's wrong. It shoulexchange rate risk, because the uncertainty of exchange rate will have impaon the bank. Yes, he's right. B is correct. 考点the incrementrisk charge解析IRC识别的两种风险类型分别为(1)cret sprerisk; (2) jump-to-fault risk. 老师IRC的风险包括两个,讲义上写的是一是fault risk,二是cret migration risk。分别对应这道题里面的表述一cret spre risk, 二jump to fault risk 是吗?

2022-11-04 21:14 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019070901000100 问题如下 Basel II. 5 introcethe incrementrisk charge (IRto further mitigate regulatory arbitrage. Chaner thinks ththe incrementrisk charge(IRrecognizes the expecteshortfall risk, because the amount of loss potentiin the tail is important. Is he right? A.Yes, he's right, aninterest rate risk calso recognizeIRbecause if the interest rate goes wn, it means a huge loss for the bank. B.No, he's wrong. It shouljump-to-fault risk, because ona fault happens, the bank will have immeate ansevere loss. C.No, he's wrong. It shoulexchange rate risk, because the uncertainty of exchange rate will have impaon the bank. Yes, he's right. B is correct. 考点the incrementrisk charge解析IRC识别的两种风险类型分别为(1)cret sprerisk; (2) jump-to-fault risk. cret sprerisk=cresit mirgition risk 也就是被降级的风险jump-to-fult risk=fault risk也就是违约风险

2022-08-13 21:36 1 · 回答

loss potentirisk和jump to fault risk说的不是一个意思吗

2020-09-05 13:35 1 · 回答