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daiwin18 · 2020年09月03日


题目:For the year 2010, the remeasurement component of Kensington’s periodic

pension cost represents:

A the change in the net pension obligation.

B actuarial gains and losses on the pension obligation.

C actual return on plan assets minus the amount of return on plan assets

included in the net interest expense.

教材解析:The remeasurement component of periodic pension cost includes

both actuarial gains and losses on the pension obligation and net return on plan

assets. Because Kensington does not have any actuarial gains and losses on the

pension obligation, the remeasurement component includes only net return

on plan assets. In practice, actuarial gains and losses are rarely equal to zero.

The net return on plan assets is equal to actual returns minus beginning plan

assets times the discount rate.

看了教材解析,也没有看到C选项关于 net interest expense有关的描述。为什么说E(R)中包含net interest expense呢?

把公式net interest expense=int exp- E(R),变形为E(R)=int exp-net interest expense,可见是剔除了net interest expense才对

3 个答案

纠纠_品职答疑助手 · 2020年09月10日

我觉得是同学理解的问题,要把amount of return on plan assets included in the net interest expense 连起来看。然后就是在指代E(R)。而不是在问Interest expense

纠纠_品职答疑助手 · 2020年09月08日


Net int expense =利息费用减去期望收益 = Interest - E(R) 

Interest  就是 PBO * r

纠纠_品职答疑助手 · 2020年09月04日


这道题目是在问remeasurement等于什么,不是在说Net interest expense 包含什么。

remeasurement 在 等于 actuarial gains and losses + Actual return - Expected return (E(R))

Net interest expense 就是 利息费用减去期望收益(在IFRS方法下),也就是我们上面公式提到的E(R)

C选项中 amount of return on plan assets included in the net interest expense 其实就是在委婉地指代E(R)




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