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Roseline · 2020年08月25日



The current price of stock ABC is $42 and the call option with a strike at $44 is trading at $3. Expiration is in one year. The corresponding put is priced at $2. Which of the following trading strategies will result in arbitrage profits? Assume that the risk-free rate is 10% and that the risk-free bond can be shorted costlessly. There are no transaction costs.



Long position in both the call option and the stock, and short position in the put option and risk-free bond


Long position in both the call option and the put option, and short position in the stock and risk-free bond


Long position in both the call option and the risk-free bond, and short position in the stock and the put option


Long position in both the put option and the risk-free bond, and short position in the stock and the call option



Answers A and B have payoffs that depend on the stock price and therefore cannot create arbitrage profits. Put-call parity says that cp=32=$1c-p=3-2=\$1 should equals SKerτ=4244×0.9048=$2.19S-Ke^{-r\tau}=42-44\times0.9048=\$2.19. The call option is cheap. Therefore buy the call and hedge it by selling the stock, for the upside. The benefit from selling the stock if S goes down is offset by selling a put.

老师好,这道题按照答案C选项,我理解解题思路应该是下图紫色圈的部分:按照put-call parity算出来的C(均衡) =4.187,但目前市场上的C=3,所以就要long C(市场),short C(均衡),而short C(均衡)= -P-S+K,即选项C;

但是如果按照红色圈的部分:按照put-call parity算出来的P(均衡)=0.8128,但目前市场上的P=2,所以就要long P(市场),short P(均衡),而short P(均衡)= -C-K+S,所以这道题还有另外一种套利的方法,即long position in put option and stock, short position in call option and risk-free bond。(虽然答案里没有这个选项)


1 个答案

品职答疑小助手雍 · 2020年08月26日




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NO.PZ2016082402000028 问题如下 The current priof stoAis $42 anthe call option with a strike $44 is trang $3. Expiration is in one year. The corresponng put is price$2. Whiof the following trang strategies will result in arbitrage profits? Assume ththe risk-free rate is 10% anththe risk-free boncshortecostlessly. There are no transaction costs. Long position in both the call option anthe stock, anshort position in the put option anrisk-free bon Long position in both the call option anthe put option, anshort position in the stoanrisk-free bon Long position in both the call option anthe risk-free bon anshort position in the stoanthe put option Long position in both the put option anthe risk-free bon anshort position in the stoanthe call option ANSWER: CAnswers A anB have payoffs thpenon the stopriantherefore cannot create arbitrage profits. Put-call parity says thc−p=3−2=$1c-p=3-2=\$1c−p=3−2=$1 shoulequals S−Ke−rτ=42−44×0.9048=$2.19S-Ke^{-r\tau}=42-44\times0.9048=\$2.19S−Ke−rτ=42−44×0.9048=$2.19. The call option is cheap. Therefore buy the call anhee it selling the stock, for the upsi. The benefit from selling the stoif S goes wn is offset selling a put. 时间为一年,为什么是Ke^−rT 而不是Ke^tT 呢

2023-10-08 16:33 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016082402000028问题如下 The current priof stoAis $42 anthe call option with a strike $44 is trang $3. Expiration is in one year. The corresponng put is price$2. Whiof the following trang strategies will result in arbitrage profits? Assume ththe risk-free rate is 10% anththe risk-free boncshortecostlessly. There are no transaction costs. Long position in both the call option anthe stock, anshort position in the put option anrisk-free bon Long position in both the call option anthe put option, anshort position in the stoanrisk-free bon Long position in both the call option anthe risk-free bon anshort position in the stoanthe put option Long position in both the put option anthe risk-free bon anshort position in the stoanthe call option ANSWER: CAnswers A anB have payoffs thpenon the stopriantherefore cannot create arbitrage profits. Put-call parity says thc−p=3−2=$1c-p=3-2=\$1c−p=3−2=$1 shoulequals S−Ke−rτ=42−44×0.9048=$2.19S-Ke^{-r\tau}=42-44\times0.9048=\$2.19S−Ke−rτ=42−44×0.9048=$2.19. The call option is cheap. Therefore buy the call anhee it selling the stock, for the upsi. The benefit from selling the stoif S goes wn is offset selling a put.还是第一句话call option44 trang 3,这一句话为什么44又在答案里对应的是K值,真的晕了,是我英语太差了吗

2023-03-08 09:27 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016082402000028 The current priof stoAis $42 anthe call option with a strike $44 is trang $3. Expiration is in one year. The corresponng put is price$2. Whiof the following trang strategies will result in arbitrage profits? Assume ththe risk-free rate is 10% anththe risk-free boncshortecostlessly. There are no transaction costs. Long position in both the call option anthe stock, anshort position in the put option anrisk-free bonLong position in both the call option anthe put option, anshort position in the stoanrisk-free bonLong position in both the call option anthe risk-free bon anshort position in the stoanthe put option Long position in both the put option anthe risk-free bon anshort position in the stoanthe call option ANSWER: C Answers A anB have payoffs thpenon the stopriantherefore cannot create arbitrage profits. Put-call parity says thc−p=3−2=$1c-p=3-2=\$1c−p=3−2=$1 shoulequals S−Ke−rτ=42−44×0.9048=$2.19S-Ke^{-r\tau}=42-44\times0.9048=\$2.19S−Ke−rτ=42−44×0.9048=$2.19. The call option is cheap. Therefore buy the call anhee it selling the stock, for the upsi. The benefit from selling the stoif S goes wn is offset selling a put. 老师,我想确认一下除了C的另一种套利方法 因为目前put option的市场价格高于根据put-call parity算出的合成价格,所以应该long P合成,short P市场, 其中P合成=C+K-S,所以综上,套利策略应该是long call ,long bonshort stoanshort put,这样对吗?

2022-03-03 10:43 1 · 回答

The current priof stoAis $42 anthe call option with a strike $44 is trang $3. Expiration is in one year. The corresponng put is price$2. Whiof the following trang strategies will result in arbitrage profits? Assume ththe risk-free rate is 10% anththe risk-free boncshortecostlessly. There are no transaction costs. Long position in both the call option anthe stock, anshort position in the put option anrisk-free bonLong position in both the call option anthe put option, anshort position in the stoanrisk-free bonLong position in both the call option anthe risk-free bon anshort position in the stoanthe put option Long position in both the put option anthe risk-free bon anshort position in the stoanthe call option ANSWER: C Answers A anB have payoffs thpenon the stopriantherefore cannot create arbitrage profits. Put-call parity says thc−p=3−2=$1c-p=3-2=\$1c−p=3−2=$1 shoulequals S−Ke−rτ=42−44×0.9048=$2.19S-Ke^{-r\tau}=42-44\times0.9048=\$2.19S−Ke−rτ=42−44×0.9048=$2.19. The call option is cheap. Therefore buy the call anhee it selling the stock, for the upsi. The benefit from selling the stoif S goes wn is offset selling a put. 这样理解对不对,把题目翻译出来,只有C在表达C+K=P+S

2020-03-28 21:51 1 · 回答