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Coral · 2020年08月08日

问一道题:NO.PZ2016012102000204 [ CFA I ]


Parent Company purchased 2,000 shares of Sub Company for $60 per share at the beginning of the year. The divident paid by Sub Company is $3 per share. The share price of Sub Company was $55 at the end of the year.

Calculate the amount of investment income that Parent Company should report in the income statement if the securities are regarded as FVPL and if the securities are regarded as FVOCI securities.










For FVPL security,both investment income(dividend) and unrealized G/L are reported in the I/S.

FVPL: ($3 dividend × $2,000 shares) - ($5 unrealized loss × 2,000 shares) = ($4,000)

For FVOCI secutrity, investment income(dividend) is report in the I/S, while unrealized G/L is report in the B/S(OCI).

FVOCI:$3 dividend × $2,000 = $6000

1 个答案

纠纠_品职答疑助手 · 2020年08月08日


(1)PL代表是损益表 profit and loss



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NO.PZ2016012102000204问题如下 Parent Company purchase2,000 shares of Sub Company for $60 per share the beginning of the year. The vinpaiSub Company is $3 per share. The share priof Sub Company w$55 the enof the year.Calculate the amount of investment income thParent Company shoulreport in the income statement if the securities are regarFVPL anif the securities are regarFVOsecurities. FVPLFVOA.($4,000)($4,000) B.($4,000)$6,000 C.($6,000)$6,000 B is correct.For FVPL security,both investment income(vin anunrealizeG/L are reportein the I/S. FVPL: ($3 vin× $2,000 shares) - ($5 unrealizeloss × 2,000 shares) = ($4,000)For FVOsecutrity, investment income(vin is report in the I/S, while unrealizeG/L is report in the B/S(OCI).FVOCI$3 vin× $2,000 = $6000 考点 FVPL和FVOCI当期损益 对于 FVPL,收到的vin尚未实现的G/L ,都是直接计入利润表I/S的。所以当期I/S损益 = ($ 3股息 × 2,000 股)-($5未实现亏损 × 2,000 股)= - $4,000 对于 FVOCI,收到的vin确定的收入,直接计入利润表I/S,但未实现的 G/L, 将作为其他综合收益(OCI),确认为B/S中的权益项。所以当期I/S损益 = $ 3股息 × 2,000 股 = $6,000 5$是哪来的,为什么不是加上这部份

2024-07-24 17:44 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016012102000204 问题如下 Parent Company purchase2,000 shares of Sub Company for $60 per share the beginning of the year. The vinpaiSub Company is $3 per share. The share priof Sub Company w$55 the enof the year.Calculate the amount of investment income thParent Company shoulreport in the income statement if the securities are regarFVPL anif the securities are regarFVOsecurities. FVPLFVO A.($4,000)($4,000) B.($4,000)$6,000 C.($6,000)$6,000 B is correct.For FVPL security,both investment income(vin anunrealizeG/L are reportein the I/S. FVPL: ($3 vin× $2,000 shares) - ($5 unrealizeloss × 2,000 shares) = ($4,000)For FVOsecutrity, investment income(vin is report in the I/S, while unrealizeG/L is report in the B/S(OCI).FVOCI$3 vin× $2,000 = $6000 考点 FVPL和FVOCI当期损益 对于 FVPL,收到的vin尚未实现的G/L ,都是直接计入利润表I/S的。所以当期I/S损益 = ($ 3股息 × 2,000 股)-($5未实现亏损 × 2,000 股)= - $4,000 对于 FVOCI,收到的vin确定的收入,直接计入利润表I/S,但未实现的 G/L, 将作为其他综合收益(OCI),确认为B/S中的权益项。所以当期I/S损益 = $ 3股息 × 2,000 股 = $6,000 为什么说是unrealizeg/l? 如果股票卖掉的话,这个收益不是已经拿到了么?

2023-09-10 06:47 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016012102000204问题如下 Parent Company purchase2,000 shares of Sub Company for $60 per share the beginning of the year. The vinpaiSub Company is $3 per share. The share priof Sub Company w$55 the enof the year.Calculate the amount of investment income thParent Company shoulreport in the income statement if the securities are regarFVPL anif the securities are regarFVOsecurities. FVPLFVOA.($4,000)($4,000) B.($4,000)$6,000 C.($6,000)$6,000 B is correct.For FVPL security,both investment income(vin anunrealizeG/L are reportein the I/S. FVPL: ($3 vin× $2,000 shares) - ($5 unrealizeloss × 2,000 shares) = ($4,000)For FVOsecutrity, investment income(vin is report in the I/S, while unrealizeG/L is report in the B/S(OCI).FVOCI$3 vin× $2,000 = $6000 考点 FVPL和FVOCI当期损益 对于 FVPL,收到的vin尚未实现的G/L ,都是直接计入利润表I/S的。所以当期I/S损益 = ($ 3股息 × 2,000 股)-($5未实现亏损 × 2,000 股)= - $4,000 对于 FVOCI,收到的vin确定的收入,直接计入利润表I/S,但未实现的 G/L, 将作为其他综合收益(OCI),确认为B/S中的权益项。所以当期I/S损益 = $ 3股息 × 2,000 股 = $6,000 能否画一个资产负债表及损益表的图。我自己画总是左右不平

2023-07-23 21:11 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016012102000204问题如下 Parent Company purchase2,000 shares of Sub Company for $60 per share the beginning of the year. The vinpaiSub Company is $3 per share. The share priof Sub Company w$55 the enof the year.Calculate the amount of investment income thParent Company shoulreport in the income statement if the securities are regarFVPL anif the securities are regarFVOsecurities. FVPLFVOA.($4,000)($4,000) B.($4,000)$6,000 C.($6,000)$6,000 B is correct.For FVPL security,both investment income(vin anunrealizeG/L are reportein the I/S. FVPL: ($3 vin× $2,000 shares) - ($5 unrealizeloss × 2,000 shares) = ($4,000)For FVOsecutrity, investment income(vin is report in the I/S, while unrealizeG/L is report in the B/S(OCI).FVOCI$3 vin× $2,000 = $6000 考点 FVPL和FVOCI当期损益 对于 FVPL,收到的vin尚未实现的G/L ,都是直接计入利润表I/S的。所以当期I/S损益 = ($ 3股息 × 2,000 股)-($5未实现亏损 × 2,000 股)= - $4,000 对于 FVOCI,收到的vin确定的收入,直接计入利润表I/S,但未实现的 G/L, 将作为其他综合收益(OCI),确认为B/S中的权益项。所以当期I/S损益 = $ 3股息 × 2,000 股 = $6,000 为啥vin000计入了

2023-07-05 16:33 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016012102000204 问题如下 Parent Company purchase2,000 shares of Sub Company for $60 per share the beginning of the year. The vint paiSub Company is $3 per share. The share priof Sub Company w$55 the enof the year.Calculate the amount of investment income thParent Company shoulreport in the income statement if the securities are regarFVPL anif the securities are regarFVOsecurities. FVPLFVO A.($4,000)($4,000) B.($4,000)$6,000 C.($6,000)$6,000 B is correct.For FVPL security,both investment income(vin anunrealizeG/L are reportein the I/S. FVPL: ($3 vin× $2,000 shares) - ($5 unrealizeloss × 2,000 shares) = ($4,000)For FVOsecutrity, investment income(vin is report in the I/S, while unrealizeG/L is report in the B/S(OCI).FVOCI$3 vin× $2,000 = $6000 考点 FVPL和FVOCI当期损益 对于 FVPL,收到的vin尚未实现的G/L ,都是直接计入利润表I/S的。所以当期I/S损益 = ($ 3股息 × 2,000 股)-($5未实现亏损 × 2,000 股)= - $4,000 对于 FVOCI,收到的vin确定的收入,直接计入利润表I/S,但未实现的 G/L, 将作为其他综合收益(OCI),确认为B/S中的权益项。所以当期I/S损益 = $ 3股息 × 2,000 股 = $6,000 题干没有说年底计划把这部分股票卖掉 为什么是这部分的vin入FVTOCI? 不应该是浮盈浮亏记入吗?

2023-06-19 08:34 1 · 回答