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Amber · 2020年07月23日



Scott works for a regional brokerage firm. He estimates that Walkton Industries will increase its dividend by US$1.50 a share during the next year. He realizes that this increase is contingent on pending legislation that would, if enacted, give Walkton a substantial tax break. The US representative for Walkton’s home district has told Scott that, although she is lobbying hard for the bill and prospects for its passage are favorable, concern of the US Congress over the federal deficit could cause the tax bill to be voted down. Walkton Industries has not made any statements about a change in dividend policy. Scott writes in his research report, "We expect Walkton’s stock price to rise by at least US$8.00 a share by the end of the year because the dividend will increase by US$1.50 a share. Investors buying the stock at the current time should expect to realize a total return of at least 15% on the stock." According to the Standards:



Scott violated the Standards because he used material inside information.


Scott violated the Standards because he failed to separate opinion from fact.


Scott violated the Standards by basing his research on uncertain predictions of future government action.


B  is correct.

This question relates to Standard V(B) –Communication with Clients and Prospective Clients. Scott has issued a research report stating that he expects the price of Walkton Industries stock to rise by US$8 a share "because the dividend will increase" by US$1.50 per share. He has made this statement knowing that the dividend will increase only if Congress enacts certain legislation, an uncertain prospect. By stating that the dividend will increase, Scott failed to separate fact from opinion.

The information regarding passage of legislation is not material nonpublic information because it is conjecture, and the question does not state whether the US representative gave Scott her opinion on the passage of the legislation in confidence. She could have been offering this opinion to anyone who asked. Therefore, statement A is incorrect. It may be acceptable to base a recommendation, in part, on an expectation of future events, even though they may be uncertain. Therefore, answer C is incorrect.

老師 請問是因為他直接說我預期股價會漲八塊 是因為預期會發股利一點五塊? 錯是錯在他講了哪一個部分呢?

不好意思可不可以再解釋究竟錯在哪裡 每次遇到這種題目都會栽

1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2020年07月24日


  • 错在他说:dividend will increase by $1.5
  • 他估计股价会涨是没错的,因为说明了是估计出来的。但他的estimation是根据“dividend will increase by $1.5 per share”,这个就不对了。因为dividend是否会增加$1.5,也是估计出来的。这里他表现得跟他很确定知道dividend会涨$1.5似的。


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NO.PZ2016040303000010问题如下Scott works for a regionbrokerage firm. He estimates thWalkton Instries will increase its vinUS$1.50 a share ring the next year. He realizes ththis increase is contingent on penng legislation thwoul if enacte give Walkton a substantitbreak. The US representative for Walkton’s home strihtolScott that, although she is lobbying harfor the bill anprospects for its passage are favorable, concern of the US Congress over the ferficit coulcause the tbill to votewn. Walkton Instries hnot ma any statements about a change in vinpolicy. Scott writes in his researreport, \"We expeWalkton’s stoprito rise least US$8.00 a share the enof the yebecause the vinwill increase US$1.50 a share. Investors buying the stothe current time shoulexpeto realize a totreturn of least 15% on the stock.\" Accorng to the Stanr:A.Scott violatethe Stanr because he usemateriinsi information.B.Scott violatethe Stanr because he faileto separate opinion from fact.C.Scott violatethe Stanr basing his researon uncertain prections of future government action.is correct.This question relates to StanrV(–Communication with Clients anProspective Clients. Scott hissuea researreport stating thhe expects the priof Walkton Instries stoto rise US$8 a share \"because the vinwill increase\" US$1.50 per share. He hma this statement knowing ththe vinwill increase only if Congress enacts certain legislation, uncertain prospect. stating ththe vinwill increase, Scott faileto separate fafrom opinion.The information regarng passage of legislation is not materinonpublic information because it is conjecture, anthe question es not state whether the US representative gave Scott her opinion on the passage of the legislation in confince. She coulhave been offering this opinion to anyone who aske Therefore, statement A is incorrect. It macceptable to base a recommention, in part, on expectation of future events, even though they muncertain. Therefore, answer C is incorrect.C为什么错误。。。。

2023-07-06 20:06 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016040303000010 问题如下 Scott works for a regionbrokerage firm. He estimates thWalkton Instries will increase its vinUS$1.50 a share ring the next year. He realizes ththis increase is contingent on penng legislation thwoul if enacte give Walkton a substantitbreak. The US representative for Walkton’s home strihtolScott that, although she is lobbying harfor the bill anprospects for its passage are favorable, concern of the US Congress over the ferficit coulcause the tbill to votewn. Walkton Instries hnot ma any statements about a change in vinpolicy. Scott writes in his researreport, \"We expeWalkton’s stoprito rise least US$8.00 a share the enof the yebecause the vinwill increase US$1.50 a share. Investors buying the stothe current time shoulexpeto realize a totreturn of least 15% on the stock.\" Accorng to the Stanr: A.Scott violatethe Stanr because he usemateriinsi information. B.Scott violatethe Stanr because he faileto separate opinion from fact. C.Scott violatethe Stanr basing his researon uncertain prections of future government action. is correct.This question relates to StanrV(–Communication with Clients anProspective Clients. Scott hissuea researreport stating thhe expects the priof Walkton Instries stoto rise US$8 a share \"because the vinwill increase\" US$1.50 per share. He hma this statement knowing ththe vinwill increase only if Congress enacts certain legislation, uncertain prospect. stating ththe vinwill increase, Scott faileto separate fafrom opinion.The information regarng passage of legislation is not materinonpublic information because it is conjecture, anthe question es not state whether the US representative gave Scott her opinion on the passage of the legislation in confince. She coulhave been offering this opinion to anyone who aske Therefore, statement A is incorrect. It macceptable to base a recommention, in part, on expectation of future events, even though they muncertain. Therefore, answer C is incorrect. 从答案里知道了,will代表fact,if代表opinion。那么shoulwoulcoul表opinion吗?

2022-08-24 09:37 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016040303000010 综上,以上三条都是在描述materinonpublic information,即指向A。但为什么要揪着shoulwill的用法来论证B?

2021-10-06 09:38 1 · 回答

Scott violatethe Stanr because he faileto separate opinion from fact. Scott violatethe Stanr basing his researon uncertain prections of future government action. B  is correct. This question relates to StanrV(–Communication with Clients anProspective Clients. Scott hissuea researreport stating thhe expects the priof Walkton Instries stoto rise US$8 a share \"because the vinwill increase\" US$1.50 per share. He hma this statement knowing ththe vinwill increase only if Congress enacts certain legislation, uncertain prospect. stating ththe vinwill increase, Scott faileto separate fafrom opinion. The information regarng passage of legislation is not materinonpublic information because it is conjecture, anthe question es not state whether the US representative gave Scott her opinion on the passage of the legislation in confince. She coulhave been offering this opinion to anyone who aske Therefore, statement A is incorrect. It macceptable to base a recommention, in part, on expectation of future events, even though they muncertain. Therefore, answer C is incorrect.没看懂为什么不是内幕消息?

2020-11-03 20:45 1 · 回答

We expeWalkton’s stoprito rise at least US$8.00 a share the enof the yebecause the vinwill increase by US$1.50 a share \"he vinwill increase by US$1.50 a share\" 这句如果改成什么样? 就没有违法呢? 我记得老师讲过,但忘了具体内容了

2020-11-01 20:57 1 · 回答