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安安鱼 · 2020年07月23日

问一道题:NO.PZ2020011303000050 [ FRM I ]



1 个答案

袁园_品职助教 · 2020年07月23日


因为 VaR 衡量损失,即 收益分布左边的极端值 或者 损失分布右边的极端值,题目里给的是 loss distribution,所以要看右边

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NO.PZ2020011303000050问题如下The stribution of the losses from a projeover one yeha normloss stribution with a meof −10 ana stanrviation of 20. Whis the one-yeVwhen the confinlevel is (95%, (99%, an(99.9%? (-10+1.645*20=22.9(-10+2.33*20=36.6 (-10+3.09*20=51.8一个项目的损失符合正态分布,mean=-10,σ=20,求1年的VaR当置信区间等于95%,99%,99.9%时。95% VaR=-10+1.645*20=22.999% VaR=-10+2.33*20=36.699.9% VaR=-10+3.09*20=51.8 老师您好,这是您对其他学生的解答,有个疑问,那要按照您的解答,首先在课程视频里建议就不要把VaR的公式讲成是|均值-z*方差|,因为对于没有学过金融的学生来讲会误解。还有如果按照您的意思,那加绝对值还有什么意义?既然|均值+/-z*方差|我们只取正值,因为不加绝对值正值代表损失,负值代表收益,拿每次计算VaR我们都应该用|均值+/-z*方差|然后取正值。

2024-03-03 18:25 3 · 回答

NO.PZ2020011303000050问题如下The stribution of the losses from a projeover one yeha normloss stribution with a meof −10 ana stanrviation of 20. Whis the one-yeVwhen the confinlevel is (95%, (99%, an(99.9%? (-10+1.645*20=22.9(-10+2.33*20=36.6 (-10+3.09*20=51.8一个项目的损失符合正态分布,mean=-10,σ=20,求1年的VaR当置信区间等于95%,99%,99.9%时。95% VaR=-10+1.645*20=22.999% VaR=-10+2.33*20=36.699.9% VaR=-10+3.09*20=51.8 Var是正数,但是公式为U-zq这个公式不应该变成加号。谢谢

2023-04-05 18:31 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2020011303000050问题如下The stribution of the losses from a projeover one yeha normloss stribution with a meof −10 ana stanrviation of 20. Whis the one-yeVwhen the confinlevel is (95%, (99%, an(99.9%? (-10+1.645*20=22.9(-10+2.33*20=36.6 (-10+3.09*20=51.8一个项目的损失符合正态分布,mean=-10,σ=20,求1年的VaR当置信区间等于95%,99%,99.9%时。95% VaR=-10+1.645*20=22.999% VaR=-10+2.33*20=36.699.9% VaR=-10+3.09*20=51.8 请补充损失分布下计算极端值的公式?感谢?

2023-03-11 14:35 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020011303000050问题如下The stribution of the losses from a projeover one yeha normloss stribution with a meof −10 ana stanrviation of 20. Whis the one-yeVwhen the confinlevel is (95%, (99%, an(99.9%? (-10+1.645*20=22.9(-10+2.33*20=36.6 (-10+3.09*20=51.8一个项目的损失符合正态分布,mean=-10,σ=20,求1年的VaR当置信区间等于95%,99%,99.9%时。95% VaR=-10+1.645*20=22.999% VaR=-10+2.33*20=36.699.9% VaR=-10+3.09*20=51.8 在例题中很含糊,Z应该是正数还是负数?公式到底是加ZQ 还是减去呢?十分困扰。谢谢。结果完全不对。

2023-03-11 14:29 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2020011303000050问题如下The stribution of the losses from a projeover one yeha normloss stribution with a meof −10 ana stanrviation of 20. Whis the one-yeVwhen the confinlevel is (95%, (99%, an(99.9%? (22.9, (36.5, (51.8. 如果是normreturn stribution,答案是不是-10-1.645*20?

2022-04-05 23:06 1 · 回答