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Drink H · 2020年07月15日



A gold producer enters into a forward contract with an investment bank to sell 10,000 ounces of gold for USD 1,200 per ounce. Explain how the bank would hedge its risk without using futures contracts.



The bank can borrow gold from a central bank (paying the lease rate) and sell it in the market (investing the proceeds of the sale). When the forward contract matures, the bank buys the gold from the gold producer and returns it the central bank.

这题是银行作为short sell,从央行借黄金卖掉获得现金投资,等远期合约到期,银行再从黄金producer拿到黄金,把黄金还回给央行。银行赚的就是中间现金投资的利润减去借黄金的租金,再减去从黄金producer买黄金的成本。这样理解正确吗?

1 个答案

品职答疑小助手雍 · 2020年07月15日


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NO.PZ2020012005000033 问题如下 A golprocer enters into a forwarcontrawith investment bank to sell 10,000 ounces of golfor US1,200 per ounce. Explain how the bank woulhee its risk without using futures contracts. The bank cborrow golfrom a centrbank (paying the lease rate) ansell it in the market (investing the procee of the sale). When the forwarcontramatures, the bank buys the golfrom the golprocer anreturns it the centrbank. 题目说一家golprocer与银行签了一个short forwar合约,对于银行来说是long position,风险在于未来价格上涨,问银行在不通过期货合约的方式如何对冲风险。答案是银行通过向央行借了黄金,卖掉并得到资金,在未来与golprocer交割,买来黄金,再还回央行并支付lease rate。这个动作就类似做空。所以银行是没有另外再签期货合约的。以上理解是否正确呢?

2024-03-09 00:28 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020012005000033 问题如下 A golprocer enters into a forwarcontrawith investment bank to sell 10,000 ounces of golfor US1,200 per ounce. Explain how the bank woulhee its risk without using futures contracts. The bank cborrow golfrom a centrbank (paying the lease rate) ansell it in the market (investing the procee of the sale). When the forwarcontramatures, the bank buys the golfrom the golprocer anreturns it the centrbank. 助教你好我看完题目后,得知生产商与投行签了一份远期合约,约定将来以US1,200 per ounce的价格出售10,000 ounces of gol但完全看不出来投行会有啥风险要回避?怎么解析还说到了央行?是讲到黄金这个大宗商品就要自然联想到黄金储备与央行这东西吗?我还看了以前的同学的提问,https://class.pzacamy.com/qa/57979 里面说到“投行是short sell那一方”,助教说“对的”。他们是怎么从这么短的题干中看出【投行是short sell那一方,向央行租借黄金】?

2023-06-08 22:13 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020012005000033 这样不是也没有使用future contracts么? 有一个put option,价格如果下降,银行业能盈利

2022-02-12 00:59 1 · 回答


2020-10-11 23:23 1 · 回答