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chris2.0🔱 · 2020年07月12日

问一道题:NO.PZ2018123101000104 [ CFA II ]


Steele Ferguson, a senior analyst at Samuel, is reviewing three fixed-rate bonds issued by a local firm, Pro Star, Inc.

A fall in interest rates would most likely result in:



a decrease in the effective duration of Bond #3.


Bond #3 having more upside potential than Bond #2.


a change in the effective convexity of Bond #3 from positive to negative.


A fall in interest rates results in a rise in bond values. For a callable bond such as Bond #2, the upside potential is capped because the issuer is more likely to call the bond. In contrast, the upside potential for a putable bond such as Bond #3 is uncapped. Thus, a fall in interest rates would result in a putable bond having more upside potential than an otherwise identical callable bond. Note that A is incorrect because the effective duration of a putable bond increases, not decreases, with a fall in interest rates—the bond is less likely to be put and thus behaves more like an option-free bond. C is also incorrect because the effective convexity of a putable bond is always positive. It is the effective convexity of a callable bond that will change from positive to negative if interest rates fall and the call option is near the money.

1 个答案

吴昊_品职助教 · 2020年07月13日


债券2是callable bond,债券3是putable bond。现在利率下降,callable bond更容易行权,债券发行人会以提前约定好的call price将债券赎回。利率下降的时候,不含权债券或putable bond价格正常上涨,但是callable bond的价格涨不上去,会有一个上限,如下图显示。所以利率下降,债券3比债券2更有上升空间(upside potential),因此选项B正确。

选项A:Bond 3是一个putable bond,在利率上升的时候,债券持有人可以将债券提前卖还给发行人,由于提前结束现金流,此时平均还款期短,effective duration会下降。当利率下降的时候,putable bond就更像是一个不含权债券,债券持有人不会执行权利。和利率上升比,此时的effective duration更长。所以选项A说反了,故不正确。这道题A选项其实是比较putable bond在利率上升和利率下降两种情况下,债券duration的大小。

选项C:putable bond不会出现negative convexity。当利率下降的时候,convexity从正变为负,描述的是callable bond的特性而非putable bond,故选项C不正确。


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NO.PZ2018123101000104 问题如下 Steele Ferguson, a senior analyst Samuel, is reviewing threefixerate bon issuea locfirm, Pro Star, Inc.A fall in interest rates woulmost likely result in: A.a crease in the effective ration of Bon#3. B.Bon#3 having more upsi potentithBon#2. C.a change in the effective convexity of Bon#3 frompositive to negative. A fall in interestrates results in a rise in bonvalues. For a callable bonsuBon#2,the upsi potentiis cappebecause the issuer is more likely to call thebon In contrast, the upsi potentifor a putable bonsuBon#3 isuncappe Thus, a fall in interest rates woulresult in a putable bonhavingmore upsi potentithotherwise inticcallable bon Note thA isincorrebecause the effective ration of a putable bonincreases, notcreases, with a fall in interest rates—the bonis less likely to put anhus behaves more like option-free bon C is also incorrebecause theeffective convexity of a putable bonis always positive. It is the effectiveconvexity of a callable bonthwill change from positive to negative ifinterest rates fall anthe call option is nethe money. 老师,请问C怎么理解

2024-04-25 17:25 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018123101000104问题如下Steele Ferguson, a senior analyst Samuel, is reviewing threefixerate bon issuea locfirm, Pro Star, Inc.A fall in interest rates woulmost likely result in: A.a crease in the effective ration of Bon#3. B.Bon#3 having more upsi potentithBon#2. C.a change in the effective convexity of Bon#3 frompositive to negative.A fall in interestrates results in a rise in bonvalues. For a callable bonsuBon#2,the upsi potentiis cappebecause the issuer is more likely to call thebon In contrast, the upsi potentifor a putable bonsuBon#3 isuncappe Thus, a fall in interest rates woulresult in a putable bonhavingmore upsi potentithotherwise inticcallable bon Note thA isincorrebecause the effective ration of a putable bonincreases, notcreases, with a fall in interest rates—the bonis less likely to put anhus behaves more like option-free bon C is also incorrebecause theeffective convexity of a putable bonis always positive. It is the effectiveconvexity of a callable bonthwill change from positive to negative ifinterest rates fall anthe call option is nethe money. 这是二级的考点吗?一级学过忘记了…老师请再讲解一下久期、修正久期和有效久期的概念以及讲解一下为什么a是错的?

2024-02-29 17:26 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018123101000104 问题如下 Steele Ferguson, a senior analyst Samuel, is reviewing threefixerate bon issuea locfirm, Pro Star, Inc.A fall in interest rates woulmost likely result in: A.a crease in the effective ration of Bon#3. B.Bon#3 having more upsi potentithBon#2. C.a change in the effective convexity of Bon#3 frompositive to negative. A fall in interestrates results in a rise in bonvalues. For a callable bonsuBon#2,the upsi potentiis cappebecause the issuer is more likely to call thebon In contrast, the upsi potentifor a putable bonsuBon#3 isuncappe Thus, a fall in interest rates woulresult in a putable bonhavingmore upsi potentithotherwise inticcallable bon Note thA isincorrebecause the effective ration of a putable bonincreases, notcreases, with a fall in interest rates—the bonis less likely to put anhus behaves more like option-free bon C is also incorrebecause theeffective convexity of a putable bonis always positive. It is the effectiveconvexity of a callable bonthwill change from positive to negative ifinterest rates fall anthe call option is nethe money. 老师您好,关于A为什么是错的?effective ration 不是很理解,有点忘记ration是怎么计算了?

2023-04-14 17:57 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2018123101000104问题如下Steele Ferguson, a senior analyst Samuel, is reviewing threefixerate bon issuea locfirm, Pro Star, Inc.A fall in interest rates woulmost likely result in: A.a crease in the effective ration of Bon#3. B.Bon#3 having more upsi potentithBon#2. C.a change in the effective convexity of Bon#3 frompositive to negative. A fall in interestrates results in a rise in bonvalues. For a callable bonsuBon#2,the upsi potentiis cappebecause the issuer is more likely to call thebon In contrast, the upsi potentifor a putable bonsuBon#3 isuncappe Thus, a fall in interest rates woulresult in a putable bonhavingmore upsi potentithotherwise inticcallable bon Note thA isincorrebecause the effective ration of a putable bonincreases, notcreases, with a fall in interest rates—the bonis less likely to put anhus behaves more like option-free bon C is also incorrebecause theeffective convexity of a putable bonis always positive. It is the effectiveconvexity of a callable bonthwill change from positive to negative ifinterest rates fall anthe call option is nethe money. 老师,这里B中的upsi potential应该是怎么理解?是upsi wn的意思吗?就是从positive的,变成negative的可能性吗?

2022-04-08 10:12 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018123101000104 请问怎么理解当interest rate下降时,callable bonconvexity从正变成负?

2021-11-09 11:18 1 · 回答