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Spencer · 2020年07月09日

问一道题:NO.PZ201602270200002109 第9小题 [ CFA II ]

* 问题详情,请 查看题干


9. The factor that is currently least likely to affect the risk-return characteristics of Bond #9 is:



Interest rate movements.


Whorton’s credit spreads.


Whorton’s common stock price movements.


C is correct.

The risk-return characteristics of a convertible bond depend on the market price of the issuer’s common stock (underlying share price) relative to the bond’s conversion price. When the underlying share price is well below the conversion price, the convertible bond exhibits mostly bond risk-return characteristics. In this case, the price of the convertible bond is mainly affected by interest rate movements and the issuer’s credit spreads. In contrast, when the underlying share price is above the conversion price, the convertible bond exhibits mostly stock risk-return characteristics. In this case, the price of the convertible bond is mainly affected by the issuer’s common stock price movements. The underlying share price ($30) is lower than the conversion price of Bond #9 ($50). Thus, Bond #9 exhibits mostly bond risk-return characteristics and is least affected by Whorton’s common stock price movements.

老师请问,如果当W‘s common stock price大于50的时候则convertible bond变得更像股票,那么这题就应该选C了吧?
1 个答案

吴昊_品职助教 · 2020年07月10日

这道题目让我们选的是least likely。A、B选项都是影响债券的因素,题目中说股价(30)小于conversion price(50),此时可转债更像一个债券,所以最不可能受到的是股价变动的影响,所以选C。如果变成了你说的情形,更像股票,那么最不可能受到的是影响债券的因素,选A和B。

做这类题目,首先我们应该比较股价和conversion price的大小,然后判断出此时可转债更像一个债券还是更像一只股票。如果更像债券,就会受到影响债券价格因素的影响。如果更像股票,就会受到影响股票价格因素的影响。但一定要看清楚题干,是most likely还是least likely。