7. Based on Exhibit 1, which portfolio best meets the Laws’ goal to fund an endowment for their alma mater?
A.Portfolio 1
B.Portfolio 2
C.Portfolio 3
B is correct.
Portfolio 2 best meets the Laws’ goal to fund an endowment for their alma mater in 20 years. In present value terms, the gift is valued at $500,000, with the Laws desiring a high probability of achieving this goal. Although slightly more conservative than the 75/25 global equity/bond mix, Portfolio 2 has a greater growth emphasis compared with Portfolios 1 and 3. Therefore, Portfolio 2 is best for funding the endowment at their alma mater given the goal’s long-term horizon and the Laws’ desire for a high probability of achieving it.
老师 题目中【The Laws tell Raye they want a high probability of success funding the endowment.】 但是portfolio 2 中股票+pe占比有75%了 是不是占比太高了 为什么考虑亏损风险呢?