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小蚂蚁苏 · 2020年07月02日

问一道题:NO.PZ2018123101000060 [ CFA II ]


The following statements were made in the course of the debate regarding the conditions underlying binomial interest rate trees:

Statement 1: The only requirements needed to create a binomial interest rate tree are current benchmark interest rates and an assumption about interest rate volatility.

Statement 2: Potential interest rate volatility in a binomial interest rate tree can be estimated using historical interest rate volatility or observed market prices from interest rate derivatives.

Statement 3: A bond value derived from a binomial interest rate tree with a relatively high volatility assumption will be different from the value calculated by discounting the bond’s cash flows using current spot rates.

Which of the various statements regarding binomial interest rate trees is correct?



Statement 1


Statement 2


Statement 3


B is correct.





Statement 1不正确,因为创建利率二叉树有三个要求,而不是两个。第三个要求是关于利率模型的假设。

Statement 3不正确,因为无论模型中使用的波动率假设如何,使用即期利率的债券估值和利率二叉树中债券估值都是相同的。

已看完此题其他问答,对statement 3还是不太理解。这里说binomial tree算出来的估值与用spot rate算出来的一样,有一个前提是calibrate好的二叉树吧? 如果还没有calibrate完成的二叉树也是arbitrage free的吗?…
澳洲扒鸡 · 2021年04月22日

同问,波动率可以基于历史数据获得也可以是市场价格的隐含波动率,但是这两者必然不能相等啊。市场价格隐含的波动率计算的利率和spots rate相等还能理解,历史数据获得的怎么就必然和spots rate相等呢?

1 个答案

WallE_品职答疑助手 · 2020年07月04日


第三句话是不正确的。因为对于不含权的期权的债券来说,二叉树和spot rate折现时的结果是一样的,因为都是基于同样的sigma向上,向下展开。

schuaiiza · 2021年11月12日


  • 1

  • 0

  • 789


NO.PZ2018123101000060 问题如下 The following statements were ma in the course of the bate regarng the contions unrlying binomiinterest rate trees: Statement 1: The only requirements neeto create a binomiinterest rate tree are current benchmark interest rates anassumption about interest rate volatility. Statement 2: Potentiinterest rate volatility in a binomiinterest rate tree cestimateusing historicinterest rate volatility or observemarket prices from interest rate rivatives. Statement 3: A bonvalue rivefrom a binomiinterest rate tree with a relatively high volatility assumption will fferent from the value calculatescounting the bons cash flows using current spot rates. Whiof the various statements regarng binomiinterest rate trees is correct? Statement 1 Statement 2 Statement 3 B is correct.考点对二叉树模型的理解解析通常使用两种方法来估计利率二叉树中的利率波动率。第一种方法基于历史利率波动率的估计。第二种方法使用观察到的利率衍生品的市场价格。Statement 1不正确,因为创建利率二叉树有三个要求,而不是两个。第三个要求是关于利率模型的假设。Statement 3不正确,因为无论模型中使用的波动率假设如何,使用即期利率的债券估值和利率二叉树中债券估值都是相同的。 Statement 1不正确,因为创建利率二叉树有三个要求,而不是两个。第三个要求是关于利率模型的假设。请问这三个要求分别是什么?1、volatility确定2、利率要服从log normal分布还有一个是啥?

2024-08-03 18:25 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018123101000060 问题如下 The following statements were ma in the course of the bate regarng the contions unrlying binomiinterest rate trees: Statement 1: The only requirements neeto create a binomiinterest rate tree are current benchmark interest rates anassumption about interest rate volatility. Statement 2: Potentiinterest rate volatility in a binomiinterest rate tree cestimateusing historicinterest rate volatility or observemarket prices from interest rate rivatives. Statement 3: A bonvalue rivefrom a binomiinterest rate tree with a relatively high volatility assumption will fferent from the value calculatescounting the bons cash flows using current spot rates. Whiof the various statements regarng binomiinterest rate trees is correct? Statement 1 Statement 2 Statement 3 B is correct.考点对二叉树模型的理解解析通常使用两种方法来估计利率二叉树中的利率波动率。第一种方法基于历史利率波动率的估计。第二种方法使用观察到的利率衍生品的市场价格。Statement 1不正确,因为创建利率二叉树有三个要求,而不是两个。第三个要求是关于利率模型的假设。Statement 3不正确,因为无论模型中使用的波动率假设如何,使用即期利率的债券估值和利率二叉树中债券估值都是相同的。 从上面这个角度,risky bonvalue是有变化的。但从题目中,怎么分辩是利用二叉树计算risk-free bon是risky bon

2024-03-15 05:39 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018123101000060 问题如下 The following statements were ma in the course of the bate regarng the contions unrlying binomiinterest rate trees: Statement 1: The only requirements neeto create a binomiinterest rate tree are current benchmark interest rates anassumption about interest rate volatility. Statement 2: Potentiinterest rate volatility in a binomiinterest rate tree cestimateusing historicinterest rate volatility or observemarket prices from interest rate rivatives. Statement 3: A bonvalue rivefrom a binomiinterest rate tree with a relatively high volatility assumption will fferent from the value calculatescounting the bons cash flows using current spot rates. Whiof the various statements regarng binomiinterest rate trees is correct? Statement 1 Statement 2 Statement 3 B is correct.考点对二叉树模型的理解解析通常使用两种方法来估计利率二叉树中的利率波动率。第一种方法基于历史利率波动率的估计。第二种方法使用观察到的利率衍生品的市场价格。Statement 1不正确,因为创建利率二叉树有三个要求,而不是两个。第三个要求是关于利率模型的假设。Statement 3不正确,因为无论模型中使用的波动率假设如何,使用即期利率的债券估值和利率二叉树中债券估值都是相同的。 Statement 3不正确,因为无论模型中使用的波动率假设如何,使用即期利率的债券估值和利率二叉树中债券估值都是相同的。这句话怎么?使用即期利率的债券估值和利率二叉树中债券估值都为什么相同?

2024-02-29 11:06 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018123101000060 问题如下 The following statements were ma in the course of the bate regarng the contions unrlying binomiinterest rate trees: Statement 1: The only requirements neeto create a binomiinterest rate tree are current benchmark interest rates anassumption about interest rate volatility. Statement 2: Potentiinterest rate volatility in a binomiinterest rate tree cestimateusing historicinterest rate volatility or observemarket prices from interest rate rivatives. Statement 3: A bonvalue rivefrom a binomiinterest rate tree with a relatively high volatility assumption will fferent from the value calculatescounting the bons cash flows using current spot rates. Whiof the various statements regarng binomiinterest rate trees is correct? Statement 1 Statement 2 Statement 3 B is correct.考点对二叉树模型的理解解析通常使用两种方法来估计利率二叉树中的利率波动率。第一种方法基于历史利率波动率的估计。第二种方法使用观察到的利率衍生品的市场价格。Statement 1不正确,因为创建利率二叉树有三个要求,而不是两个。第三个要求是关于利率模型的假设。Statement 3不正确,因为无论模型中使用的波动率假设如何,使用即期利率的债券估值和利率二叉树中债券估值都是相同的。 A说的应该有3个requirement,分别是什么呢?C说的,高波动性的算出来和用spot算出来一样,为什么呢?高波动性的话,i更分散;用spot算的话,得出f再用e^2欧米伽,为什么会一样呢?

2023-07-31 19:09 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2018123101000060 问题如下 The following statements were ma in the course of the bate regarng the contions unrlying binomiinterest rate trees: Statement 1: The only requirements neeto create a binomiinterest rate tree are current benchmark interest rates anassumption about interest rate volatility. Statement 2: Potentiinterest rate volatility in a binomiinterest rate tree cestimateusing historicinterest rate volatility or observemarket prices from interest rate rivatives. Statement 3: A bonvalue rivefrom a binomiinterest rate tree with a relatively high volatility assumption will fferent from the value calculatescounting the bons cash flows using current spot rates. Whiof the various statements regarng binomiinterest rate trees is correct? Statement 1 Statement 2 Statement 3 B is correct.考点对二叉树模型的理解解析通常使用两种方法来估计利率二叉树中的利率波动率。第一种方法基于历史利率波动率的估计。第二种方法使用观察到的利率衍生品的市场价格。Statement 1不正确,因为创建利率二叉树有三个要求,而不是两个。第三个要求是关于利率模型的假设。Statement 3不正确,因为无论模型中使用的波动率假设如何,使用即期利率的债券估值和利率二叉树中债券估值都是相同的。 请问statement3在讲义的哪个位置有讲到

2023-02-25 00:04 1 · 回答