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Eve · 2020年07月02日

收益率曲线平行移动时,spot rate 变动率 等于 cashflow yield 变动率吗?为什么?

收益率曲线平行移动时,spot rate 变动率 等于 cashflow yield 变动率吗?为什么?

1 个答案

WallE_品职答疑助手 · 2020年07月02日


基础班讲义还有这一段话 (P87)


A sufficient, but not necessary, condition for immunization is a parallel (or s preserving) shift whereby all yields change by the same amount in the same direction.

• Sufficient means that if the yield curve shift is parallel, the change in the bond portfolio’s cash flow yield will equal the change in yield to maturity of the zero-coupon bond, which is enough to ensure immunization.

• To achieve immunization, however, it is not necessary that the yield curve shifts in a parallel manner. If the change in the cash flow yield is the same as that on the zero-coupon bond being replicated, immunization can be achieved even with a non-parallel shift to the yield curve.


CFY对标的是YTM,正因为CFY是IRR的一个概念,他需要知道FY,I/Y,N,Coupon,才能算出来. YTM也是假设债券持有到期的情况下,算出来的。(0息债 spot rate就是YTM)。

收益率曲线平行移动,比如是收益率曲线向上平移1个bp,但不代表每个时间点的spot rate的变动率相同(假设1年期的spot rate 为1%,2年的为2%,3年的为3%)。那么1bp对于1%,2%,3%来说的变动率肯定是不一样的。

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