- 第二点里,你划红线的句子意思是“这些现金流的现值之和,等于index的现值”。这句中“这些现金流的现值之和”指的就是index里,每一笔现金流的现值,并不是组合里的现金流的现值。
- 你承接第一点去看,第一点里说的就是manager要把index里的cash flow of non-callable securities分割开,再加上index里的callable bonds的cash flow, 所以承接第一点我们得出,第二点里的现值之和指的是index里现金流的现值之和。
- 这里原版书是错误的,协会已经对这句话做出了勘误,勘误如下:The time period is then multiplied by the vertex’s proportionate share of the index. (The first cash flow at 6 months is equal to 1; the second cash flow at 12 months is equal to 2; the third cash flow at 18 months is equal to 3, etc.) Because each cash flow represents an effective zero-coupon payment in the corresponding period, the time period reflects the duration of the cash flow. For example, if the third vertex represents 3% of all cash flows, the third period’s contribution to duration might be 1.5 years x 3.0%, or 0.045
- 所以这里乘以的是每一笔现金流相对于index的权重,所以你的理解是正确的。