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Drink H · 2020年06月14日

问一道题:NO.PZ2020010301000002 [ FRM I ]


Can Bayes’ rule be helpful if A and B are independent? What if A and B are perfectly dependent so that B is a subset of A?


Bayes’ rule says that Pr(A|B) =Pr(B|A)Pr(A) /Pr(B)

If these events are independent, then Pr(B|A) = Pr(B) so that Pr(A|B) = Pr(A). B has no information about A and so updating with Bayes’ rule never changes the conditional probability.

If these events are perfectly dependent, then Pr(B|A) = 1, so that Pr(A|B) is just the ratio of the probabilities, Pr(A)/Pr(B).

Here the probability also only depends on unconditional probabilities and so never changes.

1 个答案

袁园_品职助教 · 2020年06月15日


你也说了“ 独立和完全相关都不会影响贝叶斯规则 ”,所以这两种情况都可以直接用公式求解

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NO.PZ2020010301000002 问题如下 CBayes’ rule helpful if A anB are inpennt? Whif A anB are perfectly pennt so thB is a subset of Bayes’ rule says thPr(A|=Pr(B|A)Pr(/Pr(B)If these events are inpennt, then Pr(B|= Pr(so thPr(A|= Pr(A). B hno information about A anso upting with Bayes’ rule never changes the contionprobability. If these events are perfectly pennt, then Pr(A|= 1,P(AB)=P(B)。so th1=P(AB)/P(B)=Pr(B|A)Pr(A)/Pr(B).Bayes’ rule is also helpful .贝叶斯公式 Pr(A|=Pr(B|A)Pr(/Pr(B)如果A和B事件是独立的,则 Pr(B|= Pr(B),因此 Pr(A|= Pr(A)。 A和B互相不包含彼此的信息,因此以上的条件概率带入之后,贝叶斯公式还是成立的。如果A和B事件完全相关,则 Pr(A|= 1,P(AB)=P(B)。根据乘法法则P(AB)=P(B|A)×P(A)。 因此 1=P(AB)/P(B)=Pr(B|A)Pr(A)/Pr(B),贝叶斯公式依旧成立。 那想问一下innpennt events 的韦恩图怎么画,还有exclusive events的韦恩图怎么画,是不是inpennt events画出来的图也有可能是相交的?

2023-02-25 14:29 1 · 回答


2022-01-01 17:46 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020010301000002 这个题目的答案道理都懂,可是现有答案的回答却很含糊晦涩。 \"No Changes on Bayers' Rules\"这句话回答到问题题干里面到底是yes还是no?建议小编重新编辑一下答案上传,我看好多同学都是对这道题有问题。

2021-07-24 20:39 1 · 回答


2020-09-21 19:39 1 · 回答