开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


SUN · 2020年06月11日

问一道题:NO.PZ2016040303000023 [ CFA III ]


An investment banking department of a brokerage firm often receives material nonpublic information that could have considerable value if used in advising the firm’s brokerage clients. In order to conform to the Code and Standards, which one of the following is the best policy for the brokerage firm?



Permanently prohibit both "buy" and "sell" recommendations of the stocks of clients of the investment banking department.


Establish physical and informational barriers within the firm to prevent the exchange of information between the investment banking and brokerage operations.


Monitor the exchange of information between the investment banking department and the brokerage operation.


B is correct.

The best policy to prevent violation of Standard II(A) –Material Nonpublic Information is the establishment of firewalls in a firm to prevent exchange of insider information. The physical and informational barrier of a firewall between the investment banking department and the brokerage operation prevents the investment banking department from providing information to analysts on the brokerage side who may be writing recommendations on a company stock. Prohibiting recommendations of the stock of companies that are clients of the investment banking department is an alternative, but answer A states that this prohibition would be permanent, which is not the best answer. Once an offering is complete and the material nonpublic information obtained by the investment banking department becomes public, resuming publishing recommendations on the stock is not a violation of the Code and Standards because the information of the investment banking department no longer gives the brokerage operation an advantage in writing the report. Answer C is incorrect because no exchange of information should be occurring between the investment banking department and the brokerage operation, so monitoring of such exchanges is not an effective compliance procedure for preventing the use of material nonpublic information.

A什么意思啊,怎么那么多of C不对的原因是不能有交流?还是说monitor不是最好的方法?
1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2020年06月11日


  • 选项A的意思是:永久禁止投资人员提出关于投行部门的客户公司的股票“买”或者“卖”的建议(进一步解释一下:主要因为投行部门会帮大公司做上市,这些大公司属于投行部门的客户,所以很容易有内幕消息;则永久禁止投资人员提出关于这些公司的买卖意见)
  • 投行部门和投资部门不应该在有内幕信息的时候有交流,monitor是不够的。应该no exchange of information,而不是monitor such exchanges


  • 1

  • 2

  • 953


NO.PZ2016040303000023 问题如下 investment banking partment of a brokerage firm often receives materinonpublic information thcoulhave consirable value if usein aising the firm’s brokerage clients. In orr to conform to the Co anStanr, whione of the following is the best polifor the brokerage firm? A.Permanently prohibit both \"buy\" an\"sell\" recommentions of the stocks of clients of the investment banking partment. B.Establish physicaninformationbarriers within the firm to prevent the exchange of information between the investment banking anbrokerage operations. C.Monitor the exchange of information between the investment banking partment anthe brokerage operation. B is correct.The best polito prevent violation of StanrII(–MateriNonpublic Information is the establishment of firewalls in a firm to prevent exchange of insir information. The physicaninformationbarrier of a firewall between the investment banking partment anthe brokerage operation prevents the investment banking partment from proving information to analysts on the brokerage si who mwriting recommentions on a company stock. Prohibiting recommentions of the stoof companies thare clients of the investment banking partment is alternative, but answer A states ththis prohibition woulpermanent, whiis not the best answer. Onoffering is complete anthe materinonpublic information obtainethe investment banking partment becomes publiresuming publishing recommentions on the stois not a violation of the Co anStanr because the information of the investment banking partment no longer gives the brokerage operation aantage in writing the report. Answer C is incorrebecause no exchange of information shouloccurring between the investment banking partment anthe brokerage operation, so monitoring of suexchanges is not effective complianprocere for preventing the use of materinonpublic information. 这里为什么A不行呢?

2023-02-02 12:14 1 · 回答

Establish physicaninformationbarriers within the firm to prevent the exchange of information between the investment banking anbrokerage operations. Monitor the exchange of information between the investment banking partment anthe brokerage operation. B is correct. The best polito prevent violation of StanrII(–MateriNonpublic Information is the establishment of firewalls in a firm to prevent exchange of insir information. The physicaninformationbarrier of a firewall between the investment banking partment anthe brokerage operation prevents the investment banking partment from proving information to analysts on the brokerage si who mwriting recommentions on a company stock. Prohibiting recommentions of the stoof companies thare clients of the investment banking partment is alternative, but answer A states ththis prohibition woulpermanent, whiis not the best answer. Onoffering is complete anthe materinonpublic information obtainethe investment banking partment becomes publiresuming publishing recommentions on the stois not a violation of the Co anStanr because the information of the investment banking partment no longer gives the brokerage operation aantage in writing the report. Answer C is incorrebecause no exchange of information shouloccurring between the investment banking partment anthe brokerage operation, so monitoring of suexchanges is not effective complianprocere for preventing the use of materinonpublic information.broker firm 不就是经纪公司吗,经纪公司不是帮忙撮合交易的吗?经纪公司里面有投行部门吗?

2020-09-16 17:02 1 · 回答

Establish physicaninformationbarriers within the firm to prevent the exchange of information between the investment banking anbrokerage operations. Monitor the exchange of information between the investment banking partment anthe brokerage operation. B is correct. The best polito prevent violation of StanrII(–MateriNonpublic Information is the establishment of firewalls in a firm to prevent exchange of insir information. The physicaninformationbarrier of a firewall between the investment banking partment anthe brokerage operation prevents the investment banking partment from proving information to analysts on the brokerage si who mwriting recommentions on a company stock. Prohibiting recommentions of the stoof companies thare clients of the investment banking partment is alternative, but answer A states ththis prohibition woulpermanent, whiis not the best answer. Onoffering is complete anthe materinonpublic information obtainethe investment banking partment becomes publiresuming publishing recommentions on the stois not a violation of the Co anStanr because the information of the investment banking partment no longer gives the brokerage operation aantage in writing the report. Answer C is incorrebecause no exchange of information shouloccurring between the investment banking partment anthe brokerage operation, so monitoring of suexchanges is not effective complianprocere for preventing the use of materinonpublic information.什么叫broker operation?投行里面的broker部门是指?

2020-09-16 16:58 1 · 回答