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SUN · 2020年06月11日

问一道题:NO.PZ2016040303000009 [ CFA III ]


Albert and Tye, who recently started their own investment advisory business, have registered to take the Level III CFA examination. Albert’s business card reads, "Judy Albert, CFA Level II." Tye has not put anything about the CFA designation on his business card, but promotional material that he designed for the business describes the CFA requirements and indicates that Tye participates in the CFA Program and has completed Levels I and II. According to the Standards:



Albert has violated the Standards, but Tye has not.


Tye has violated the Standards, but Albert has not.


Both Albert and Tye have violated the Standards.


A  is correct.

Standard VII(B) –Reference to CFA Institute, the CFA Designation, and the CFA Program is the subject of this question. The reference on Albert’s business card implies that there is a "CFA Level II" designation; Tye merely indicates in promotional material that he is participating in the CFA Program and has completed Levels I and II. Candidates may not imply that there is some sort of partial designation earned after passing a level of the CFA exam. Therefore, Albert has violated Standard VII(B). Candidates may communicate that they are participating in the CFA Program, however, and may state the levels that they have completed. Therefore, Tye has not violated Standard VII(B).

不能说 CFA level 2,如果要印名片简介表达应该是?
1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2020年06月11日


  • 如果只是通过考试,不是charter-holder,名片上就不可以印任何关于CFA的东西。
  • 只可以在宣传材料里陈述已经通过了几级的考试。


  • 1

  • 2

  • 1265


NO.PZ2016040303000009 问题如下 Albert anTye, who recently startetheir own investment aisory business, have registereto take the Level III CFA examination. Albert’s business carrea, \"Ju Albert, CFA Level II.\" Tye hnot put anything about the CFA signation on his business car but promotionmaterithhe signefor the business scribes the CFA requirements anincates thTye participates in the CFA ProgranhcompleteLevels I anII. Accorng to the Stanr: A.Albert hviolatethe Stanr, but Tye hnot. B.Tye hviolatethe Stanr, but Albert hnot. C.Both Albert anTye have violatethe Stanr. is correct.StanrVII(–Referento CFA Institute, the CFA signation, anthe CFA Progris the subjeof this question. The referenon Albert’s business carimplies ththere is a \"CFA Level II\" signation; Tye merely incates in promotionmaterithhe is participating in the CFA ProgranhcompleteLevels I anII. Cantes mnot imply ththere is some sort of partisignation earneafter passing a level of the CFA exam. Therefore, Albert hviolateStanrVII(B). Cantes mcommunicate ththey are participating in the CFA Program, however, anmstate the levels ththey have complete Therefore, Tye hnot violateStanrVII(B). 这道题除了错在他不能在自己名牌上印CFA,因为还没有通过所有考试还有个错误,是CFA不能作为名词,只能是形容词即不能说'XXX,CFA\",

2022-08-22 11:27 2 · 回答

请问老师文中这句话“but promotionmaterithhe signefor the business scribes the CFA requirements”,这个不算违反规定吗? 这句话的意思是不是把公司和cfa联系在一起了,或者是公司投资方式和gips相关?

2020-10-11 15:12 1 · 回答

A同学已经通过2级,并且报名了三级后,是否可以在名片上印 level 3 cante?

2020-09-17 15:44 1 · 回答


2020-06-11 10:12 1 · 回答