Which of the following recently funded exchange-traded funds has the highest annualized rate of return?
B is correct.
Annualized rate of return of ETF A is 11.3% = (1.045 )-1
Annualized rate of return of ETF B is 16.8% = (1.012 )-1
Annualized rate of return of ETF C is 8.4% = (1.144 )-1
So, ETF B has the highest annualized return, despite having the lowest value for the periodic rate.
在国际经济学基础课中,老师在讲利率平价的时候Interest Rate Parity,一年以内的计息按照单利计算,并且单利计息按照360天计算,一年以上的计息按照复利计算,可这道题前两个选项推算年化利率的时候还是按照复利算的,请问遇到此类题目到底应该如何选择计算方法?