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sarahjia · 2020年06月09日



Equality between aggregate expenditure and aggregate output implies that the government’s fiscal deficit must equal:



Private saving – Investment –Net exports.


Private saving – Investment + Net exports.


Investment – Private saving + Net exports.


A is correct.

The fundamental relationship among saving, investment, the fiscal balance, and the trade balance is S = I + (G – T) + (X – M). This form of the relationship shows that private saving must fund investment expenditures, the government fiscal balance, and net exports (= net capital outflows). Rearranging gives G – T = (S – I) – X – M). The government’s fiscal deficit (G – T) must be equal to the private sector’s saving/investment balance (S – I) minus net exports.

考点: 支出法与收入法

解析:一国GDP可以通过支出法表示 Y=C+I+G+X-M,也可以通过收入法表示 Y=C+S+T ,将上述两者联立,可得: G-T=S-I-NX

你好老师,想问一下G-T=S-I-X+M,为什么答案是减去net exports呢,为什么最后的-X+M是net exports呢,谢谢

1 个答案

源_品职助教 · 2020年06月09日



其中,X-M就是净出口, net exports 。




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NO.PZ2016010802000094 问题如下 Equality between aggregate expenture anaggregate output implies ththe government’s fiscficit must equal: A.Private saving – Investment –Net exports. B.Private saving – Investment + Net exports. C.Investment – Private saving + Net exports. is correct.The funmentrelationship among saving, investment, the fiscbalance, anthe tra balanis S = I + (G – T) + (X – M). This form of the relationship shows thprivate saving must funinvestment expentures, the government fiscbalance, annet exports (= net capitoutflows). Rearranging gives G – T = (S – I) – X – M). The government’s fiscficit (G – T) must equto the private sector’s saving/investment balan(S – I) minus net exports.考点 支出法与收入法解析一国G可以通过支出法表示 Y=C+I+G+X-M,也可以通过收入法表示 Y=C+S+T ,将上述两者联立,可得 G-T=S-I-NX 老师您好,公式推导可以理解,想请教一下如何理解这个公式。G – T = (S – I) – (X – M)财政赤字 = 私人部门净储蓄 - 净出口。我的理解是财政赤字政府花的钱私人部门净储蓄国内 私人部门赚的钱净出口海外 私人部门赚的钱如果“政府花的钱(财政赤字)=经济体赚的钱”的话,那可以得出“ 财政赤字 = 国内储蓄 +国外赚的钱” ,这样理解的话,符号不一致了。请问老师我的思维哪里出错了,谢谢老师!

2023-02-18 14:00 3 · 回答

NO.PZ2016010802000094问题如下Equality between aggregate expenture anaggregate output implies ththe government’s fiscficit must equal:A.Private saving – Investment –Net exports.B.Private saving – Investment + Net exports.C.Investment – Private saving + Net exports.is correct.The funmentrelationship among saving, investment, the fiscbalance, anthe tra balanis S = I + (G – T) + (X – M). This form of the relationship shows thprivate saving must funinvestment expentures, the government fiscbalance, annet exports (= net capitoutflows). Rearranging gives G – T = (S – I) – X – M). The government’s fiscficit (G – T) must equto the private sector’s saving/investment balan(S – I) minus net exports.考点 支出法与收入法解析一国G可以通过支出法表示 Y=C+I+G+X-M,也可以通过收入法表示 Y=C+S+T ,将上述两者联立,可得 G-T=S-I-NX为什么题目给了一个前提Equality between aggregate expenture anaggregate

2022-08-27 15:52 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016010802000094问题如下Equality between aggregate expenture anaggregate output implies ththe government’s fiscficit must equal: A.Private saving – Investment –Net exports. B.Private saving – Investment + Net exports. C.Investment – Private saving + Net exports. is correct.The funmentrelationship among saving, investment, the fiscbalance, anthe tra balanis S = I + (G – T) + (X – M). This form of the relationship shows thprivate saving must funinvestment expentures, the government fiscbalance, annet exports (= net capitoutflows). Rearranging gives G – T = (S – I) – X – M). The government’s fiscficit (G – T) must equto the private sector’s saving/investment balan(S – I) minus net exports.考点 支出法与收入法解析一国G可以通过支出法表示 Y=C+I+G+X-M,也可以通过收入法表示 Y=C+S+T ,将上述两者联立,可得 G-T=S-I-NX为什么价格上涨,对货币的需求会增加,这里面的逻辑是什么,为什么不是盒商品一样,需求是下降的

2022-04-13 17:20 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016010802000094 在R10讲义上哪里讲过?做了笔记,但是没找到。

2022-02-18 16:35 1 · 回答

您好,Fiscficit为什么一定写作G-T呢? 如果写作T-G的话那么财政赤字可写作(T-G)=I+(X-M)- S也即选答案我理解财政是否赤字是看T和G谁大,而不是看谁写在前面吧? 所以如果是写作T-G的这种形式的话为什么不选C呢?

2020-11-01 20:58 3 · 回答