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我们 · 2020年06月02日



Lily has equity of $100 in cash. She creates a short position in stock A. The current price of stock A is 100 and Lily sells it. The cash for the short sell remains in the dealer’s account and cannot be used to fund other investments. In addition, Lily puts up $50 as collateral. According to the information above, what is the position’s leverage?














LilyAsset200,有50元的Cash,以及150 due from broker150里面有100Short Stock A获得的,50Collateral

LilyEquity100,因此Leverage ratio = 2.

请问150 due from broker是说,broker还要给我150?计算方法是200-50?

1 个答案

小刘_品职助教 · 2020年06月03日


150类似于这150是属于你的,但是暂时放在经纪人那儿。计算方法是100+50.前100是你short equity来的,50是collateral

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NO.PZ2020042003000021 问题如下 Lily hequity of $100 in cash. Shecreates a short position in stoThe current priof stoA is 100 anLilysells it. The cash for the short sell remains in the aler’s account anannot useto funother investments. In aition, Lily puts up $50 ascollateral. Accorng to the information above, whis the position’sleverage? 2 4 3 1 考点对Leverage的理解答案本题选A解析 Lily的Asset有200,有50元的Cash,以及150 e from broker,150里面有100是Short StoA获得的,50是Collateral。 Lily的Equity为100,因此Leverage ratio = 2. Lily hequity of $100 in cash. She creates a short position in stoThe current priof stoA is 100 anLily sells it. The cash for the short sell remains in the aler’s account ancannot useto funother investments. 我的理解是,刚开始cash 是100,E是100。借了股票卖出后,钱在aler的账户里,这时,为啥liability里面还有个欠的股票啊?那个负债表能不能系统的讲一下。不太懂。

2024-03-21 22:02 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020042003000021问题如下 Lily hequity of $100 in cash. Shecreates a short position in stoThe current priof stoA is 100 anLilysells it. The cash for the short sell remains in the aler’s account anannot useto funother investments. In aition, Lily puts up $50 ascollateral. Accorng to the information above, whis the position’sleverage? 2 4 31 考点对Leverage的理解答案本题选A解析 Lily的Asset有200,有50元的Cash,以及150 e from broker,150里面有100是Short StoA获得的,50是Collateral。 Lily的Equity为100,因此Leverage ratio = 2. 对于lily这个人来说,asset200,equity100。对于融券账户来说,asset150,equity50。可以这样理解吗?

2024-01-27 18:50 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020042003000021问题如下 Lily hequity of $100 in cash. Shecreates a short position in stoThe current priof stoA is 100 anLilysells it. The cash for the short sell remains in the aler’s account anannot useto funother investments. In aition, Lily puts up $50 ascollateral. Accorng to the information above, whis the position’sleverage? 2 4 31 考点对Leverage的理解答案本题选A解析 Lily的Asset有200,有50元的Cash,以及150 e from broker,150里面有100是Short StoA获得的,50是Collateral。 Lily的Equity为100,因此Leverage ratio = 2. 老师,看之前的提问解答里有两张bs表,但不太理解equity的变动,为什么从50变到了100?或者说最后100的equity 构成是什么?

2023-05-09 16:36 3 · 回答

NO.PZ2020042003000021问题如下 Lily hequity of $100 in cash. Shecreates a short position in stoThe current priof stoA is 100 anLilysells it. The cash for the short sell remains in the aler’s account anannot useto funother investments. In aition, Lily puts up $50 ascollateral. Accorng to the information above, whis the position’sleverage? 2 4 31 考点对Leverage的理解答案本题选A解析 Lily的Asset有200,有50元的Cash,以及150 e from broker,150里面有100是Short StoA获得的,50是Collateral。 Lily的Equity为100,因此Leverage ratio = 2. 如题,这样理解对吗?另外,拿出50元做抵押后,抵押的钱也依旧是自己的asset对吗?

2023-02-20 21:25 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020042003000021问题如下 Lily hequity of $100 in cash. Shecreates a short position in stoThe current priof stoA is 100 anLilysells it. The cash for the short sell remains in the aler’s account anannot useto funother investments. In aition, Lily puts up $50 ascollateral. Accorng to the information above, whis the position’sleverage? 2 4 3 1 考点对Leverage的理解答案本题选A解析 Lily的Asset有200,有50元的Cash,以及150 e from broker,150里面有100是Short StoA获得的,50是Collateral。 Lily的Equity为100,因此Leverage ratio = 2. 200元的asset在题目里是怎么体现的?

2022-03-28 09:06 1 · 回答