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多啦A梦 · 2020年05月23日

问一道题:NO.PZ201710100100000303 第3小题 [ CFA II ]

* 问题详情,请 查看题干


3. Based on the data in Exhibit 1, current real short-term interest rates would most likely be highest in:



Country #1.


Country #2.


Country #3


B is correct.

Real short-term interest rates are positively related to both real GDP growth and the volatility of real GDP growth. Country #1 and Country #2 have the highest real GDP growth, as estimated by the difference between nominal GDP growth and average inflation (6.5% – 4.0% = 2.5% and 5.0% – 2.5% = 2.5%, respectively), while Country #3 has the lowest real GDP growth (3.5% – 2.0% = 1.5%). Looking at the volatility of real GDP growth, Country #2 has high real GDP growth volatility, whereas Country #1 and Country #3 have low real GDP growth volatility. Therefore, Country #2 would most likely have the highest real short-term interest rates.

考点: real short-term interest rates

解析:real short-term interest rates受两个因素影响,一是real GDP growth,二是volatility of real GDP growth。

real GDP growth越高,短期实际利率越高;volatility of real GDP growth越高,短期实际利率也是越高。

real GDP growth=nominal GDP growth - inflation rate

因此根据表格数据,三个国家的real GDP growth分别为:2.5%,2.5%,1.5%。Country 3可以排除,因为它的GDP增长率最低。

再根据volatility of real GDP growth,只有country 2的波动率是高的。所以选B。

请问,本题中country1,2的nominal GDP growth - inflation rate=2.5%,为什么不能理解这个2.5%既包含real interest的也包含real interest rate volatility。因为country2的volatility high,所以踢出volatility影响后short term interest rate较country1是偏低的。

1 个答案

丹丹_品职答疑助手 · 2020年05月24日


同学你好,三个国家可能在不同的波动周期里,而且各个国家的国情也不同,所以其波动无法进行收益率的比较。咱们根据题干是有这个 high low定性表述的。请知悉


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NO.PZ201710100100000303 如果yielcurve flat的话说明短期利率大于长期利率啊。这样的话country2 是向上倾斜的不就被排除了?

2022-01-03 14:11 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201710100100000303 Country #2. Country #3 B is correct. Reshort-term interest rates are positively relateto both reG growth anthe volatility of reG growth. Country #1 anCountry #2 have the highest reG growth, estimatethe fferenbetween nominG growth anaverage inflation (6.5% – 4.0% = 2.5% an5.0% – 2.5% = 2.5%, respectively), while Country #3 hthe lowest reG growth (3.5% – 2.0% = 1.5%). Looking the volatility of reG growth, Country #2 hhigh reG growth volatility, whereCountry #1 anCountry #3 have low reG growth volatility. Therefore, Country #2 woulmost likely have the highest reshort-term interest rates. 考点 reshort-term interest rates 解析reshort-term interest rates受两个因素影响,一是reG growth,二是volatility of reG growth。 reG growth越高,短期实际利率越高;volatility of reG growth越高,短期实际利率也是越高。 reG growth=nominG growth - inflation rate 因此根据表格数据,三个国家的reG growth分别为2.5%,2.5%,1.5%。Country 3可以排除,因为它的G增长率最低。 再根据volatility of reG growth,只有country 2的波动率是高的。所以选B。从题目中可以算出country #1 和2 的reinterest rate 都是2.5%。 但是我看到country 2 的yielcurve 是upwarslope, 然而country1 的yielcurve是flat。这部是说明相比country 1来讲, country2 的Yst 更低吗? 所以答案为什么不是country 2

2021-03-04 18:46 1 · 回答

请问reshort term interest rates受g growth和volatility影响的知识点在讲义哪里,有点忘记了这块知识点

2019-05-16 10:29 1 · 回答


2018-03-27 08:16 1 · 回答